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Buzz on the Bullboards: Navigating “the big holiday spend” this tax-loss season

Tax-loss season is on the minds of many investors right now. It is the time of year when some traders feel compelled to dump their losers – and lock-in losses. It has been a hot topic on the...

Positive Cash Flow Extractor Manufacturer Turns its Mind to Psychedelics

“It’s all about visibility.” That’s how Calgary, AB-based MedXtractor Corp. (MXT) ( CSE.MXT , Forum ) is changing both the future of cannabis extraction and the burgeoning mental health science of psychedelics. ...

Gold vs cash in a crisis

Mattress stuffers or bullion holders? Who fares better in a crisis? North American investors are divided between those who believe the decade-long stock market bull is going to keep running into the 2020s, and investors who, wary of something terrible happening, are hoarding...

Goliath Drills a 718-Meter Porphyry

Goliath Resources Ltd. (GOT:TSX.V) released an interesting press release on August 15 th that doubled the price of the shares in the next week. The company drilled a 718-meter hole, limited only by the constraints on the drill, that hit mineralized material right fro...

Methanol Pure Play 'Attractive,' Share Price 'Too Punitive'

The leverage Methanex Corp. could use to still pay its dividend in a low price environment is discussed in a BMO Capital Markets report. In a March 17 research note, BMO Capital Markets analyst Joel Jackson reported that Methanex Corp. (MEOH:NASDAQ; MX:TSX;...

Buzz on the Bullboards: The Summer of Uncertainty

Welcome back to Buzz on the Bullboards. After taking a short break to enjoy the sun, the bi-weekly review is back to keep you up-to-date on what the Stockhouse Community is discussing. It’s been a busy few weeks for markets and investors alike, with trade ...

Gold Royalty Companies Report a Solid First Quarter on Higher Metal Prices

A month is all it took to wipe out a decade of jobs growth. U.S. employers cut an unprecedented 20.5 million jobs in April, the most in history, while the unemployment rate rocketed up to 14.7 percent. As of last week, a head-spinning 33.5 million Americans, or one o...

Oil & Gas Midstream MLP Offers 'Multiyear Financial Performance/Flexibility'

A recap of Q4/19 and the outlook for 2020-2021 are provided in a Raymond James report. In a Jan. 31 research note, Raymond James analyst Justin Jenkins reported that for Phillips 66 Partners LP (PSXP:NYSE) , "upside in Q4/19 set the pace for 2020 visibility...

How a ‘Debt Jubilee’ + mining could be a path to coronavirus recovery

Stock markets rebounded on Tuesday, after the White House announced further measures to help Americans and companies hurt by the coronavirus pandemic. The Trump Administration is reportedly considering sending checks to Americans so they have cash to spend during the outbr...

These 10 U.S. States Are Best Prepared for a Deep Recession

This week Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin called out “mismanaged” states, suggesting that the federal government should not be responsible for bailing out states that had poorly managed budgets before the coronavirus pandemic brought business activ...
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