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Excess Money Supply Has Been Like Miracle-Gro for Gold Prices

The $2.2 trillion coronavirus relief package that President Donald Trump signed into law on March 27 is just the beginning. The Treasury Department is now seeking some $250 billion more to replenish small business loans, and there’s hope that the president...

The Later United States Empire

In 1917, the United States created the federal debt limit (or ceiling) to make it easier to finance World War One, essentially allowing Congress to borrow money to pay for the war effort by issuing bonds. By 1939 with World War Two looming, Congress passed the first aggre...

Trump or Sanders? Both will pile up the debt

Whether it’s a Democrat or a Republican installed in the White House this November, you can count on fiscal discipline going out the window. Neither the incumbent, President Donald J. Trump, nor the leading Democratic contender to replace him, Bernie Sanders,...

Germany starts war on gold

Germans, like Indians and Chinese, love their gold - although their reasons for buying and keeping bullion are somewhat different. In China and India, gold jewelry is a status symbol - a sign of wealth and success. In Germany, owning gold bars and coins, maybe a 24-karat ...

Important Economic News Calendar: October 28 – November 1, 2019

Brace for a very busy week on the financial markets! The Fed will decide about the U.S. monetary policy and the Bureau of Labor Statistics will release its usually important monthly figures. Will quarterly corporate earnings push stock prices to new record highs? Let&Clos...

Crunching Some Numbers – Our Researchers Share Their Data – Part II

Continuing our earlier multi-part research post related to our extensive number crunching and predictive modeling systems expectations going forward many years, (Part I ) this second part will highlight some existing data points and start to discuss the concepts of what t...

Cabral Sitting on a Plateau of Gold

I fully approve of garimpeiro miners. Rarely can they read and write. They can live under conditions that the majority of us could never handle. They mine in a totally different way than do the junior resource companies in the space. They all make money. That's right, 100...

The Coming Great Global Reset

In the first quarter of 2019, global debt hit $246.5 trillion. Encouraged by lower interest rates, governments went on a borrowing binge as they ramped up spending, adding $3 trillion to world debt in Q1 alone. It reverses a trend that started in the beginning of 2018, of ...

Market News Report: February 24, 2020 - February 28, 2020

The financial markets have been fluctuating for most of the last week. Then on Friday we got worse-than-expected PMI numbers release, and corona virus fears reappeared ahead of the weekend. So markets went risk-off again. This week we will have some important economic data rel...

How a ‘Debt Jubilee’ + mining could be a path to coronavirus recovery

Stock markets rebounded on Tuesday, after the White House announced further measures to help Americans and companies hurt by the coronavirus pandemic. The Trump Administration is reportedly considering sending checks to Americans so they have cash to spend during the outbr...
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