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ExoTherapy offers hope for treating acute spinal cord injuries

Suffering from traumatic injuries can leave a person with long-term damages and/or side effects that are hard to navigate long after the initial incident has passed. Our next company is a publicly traded bio-pharmaceutical company, working on the development of its ...

Favourable Ruling for Emerita Resources on the Aznalcollar Zinc-Lead-Silver Project in Spain

Full size / The Aznalcóllar open-pit near Seville in southern Spain ( source ). Good news for Emerita Resources Corp. as the company today announced favourable ruling on the Aznalcóllar Zinc-Lead-Silver Project appeal. This is making headlines in the news at...

Targeted exploration unearthing new lithium resources in Ontario

Imagine Lithium (TSXV:ILI) is a Canadian junior exploration company focused on advancing its flagship Jackpot Lithium Project in Ontario.The property contains known lithium bearing granitic...

Marimaca Copper's new copper discovery in Chile

TMH: Marimaca Copper Corp. (TSX:MARI) is a well-oiled machine, attributing its success to a strong board and two private equity backers at the vanguard of mining investment . Here with us today to talk about Marimaca’s new copper discovery in C...

Transenterix Shares Trade Up 25% on FDA Filing for First Machine Vision System in Robotic Surgery

Shares of Transenterix opened 50% higher after the company reported that it has submitted a 510(k) submission to the FDA for the first machine vision system for use in robotic surgery. This morning, medical device company TransEnterix Inc. (TRXC:NYSE.American) , whic...

How This Company is Tapping Into the Growing Cannabis Vaping Market

(Click image to watch video) Cannabis vape products, in particular, have been gaining traction as legalization of the recreational drug becomes more widespread in certain U.S. states. Case in point, it is estimated that in states like California, Colorado, Ne...

Building America’s mine to battery to EV supply chain

In 2010 the US Department of Energy’s Critical Materials Strategy included lithium as one of 14 elements expected to play a vital role in America’s clean energy economy. Lithium is also among 23 critical metals President Trump has deemed ...

Neovasc Shares Climb 80% Upon FDA Premarket Approval Filing for Refractory Angina Device

Shares of specialty cardiovascular medical device company Neovasc Inc. opened more than 100% higher after the firm reported that it submitted a Premarket Approval application to the FDA for its Neovasc Reducer device for use in the treatment of refractory angina. This...

Buzz on the Bullboards: Buying Binge or Sell-Off Frenzy?

Adrift in a sea of global economic uncertainty and confusion, last week was full of tough questions for investors on the Stockhouse Bullboards. Some of the most popular companies on the website suffered setbacks, while other small caps gained attention as investors looked...

A Gold Operation Investing in People & Precious Metals

(Image via O2Gold Inc.) In October 2020, the gold exploration Company O2Gold Inc. ( TSX-V: OTGO , Forum ) signed an agreement to acquire the Otú gold mining project, comprised of 26 mining claims and applications totaling 24,001 hectares, around Colombia&...
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