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The Untold Story of Supplying the "Streaming Wars"

There has never been a better time to be a part of the “streaming wars”, either as a viewer, contributor or investor. As more people turn to steaming content, providers like Netflix, Disney and Apple are seeing their share prices increase with...

Video – A2Z Revolutionizes Car Safety with FTICS

FTICS movie v1 from A2Z Technologies Canada Corp on Vimeo . Many life-changing product innovations have come from militaries, and A2Z Technologies Canada Corp. ( TSX-V:AZ , Forum ) is using their 30-year history of supplying military defense technology and service...

The future of the textile marketplace

Countries manufacturing textiles will likely acquire a healthy dose of revenue into their economy. According to , the population is increasing to 9.5 billion, with the global apparel market reaching over $2 trillion by 2025. Given the massive gr...

BioNTech, CureVac, Valeo Pharma - the license to print money

Those who solve problems or create desires can usually earn a lot of money. One of the most important requirements is that the solution is scalable and can be sold in large quantities. The solutions around the Corona pandemic are a particularly lucrative business, because ther...

Powering the Green Energy Revolution: Discovering New Nickel Deposits in Canada

Here’s a green energy, electric vehicle metals play worth getting to know… now. Metal Energy Corp. ( TSX-V.MERG , Forum ) is a high-potential exploration & development company focussed on high-quality nickel projects in Canada’s prolific ...

Grounded Lithium finds great resource, great rock in Leduc-Duperow

Welcome to The Market Herald’s Capital Compass. Grounded Lithium Corp. (TSXV:GRD) is an Alberta-based lithium resource company, focused on supplying lithium to the electrically powered economy. With EV battery usage growing rapidly, the company is f...

After Biotech Dives Deeper Into Melanoma Data, It 'Continues to Impress'

Details from this clinical program are discussed, along with Q2/19 earnings and the next stock catalyst, in an H.C. Wainwright & Co. report. In an Aug. 23 research note, H.C. Wainwright & Co. analyst Joseph Pantginis reported the highlights from Targovax ASA's (TRVX:...

Total SA Institutes Action Plan for $30/Barrel Oil

Shares of Total SA traded 14% higher today after the firm reported that has implemented a company-wide action plan to address the sharp decrease in oil prices. Integrated oil and gas company Total S.A. (TOT:NYSE) , today announced its immediate action pla...

Coty Shares Rise 30% After Starting Production of Gel for Hand Sanitizer Use

Shares of Coty traded higher after the company reported that it has commenced production of hydro-alcoholic gel for use as hand sanitizer to help combat the COVID-19 virus. Coty Inc. (COTY:NYSE) yesterday announced that "it has started producing hydro-alc...

SmileDirectClub Awarded US Patent for SmileShop Concept and Plans to Reopen Stores in May

SmileDirectClub shares traded 20% higher after the company reported it has been awarded a U.S. patent for its SmileShop retail concept and treatment process and that it plans to reopen stores on a rolling basis starting in May. SmileDirectClub Inc. (SDC:NASD...
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