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Asante Gold confident of finding more gold at Keyhole

Keyhole lies at the intersection of three major regional gold mineralized trends Asante Gold Corp ( CVE:ASE , CNSX:ASE,) has unveiled encouraging results from first drilling at the Keyhole option property in the Asankrangwa gold belt in Ghana, which have prompted an exp...

Finding the next mineral discoveries using bore water analysis

CSIRO research scientist Dr Nathan Reid taking field measurements on site. Image: CSIRO Powerful technologies and precision instruments are breaking barriers on the path to new resources and metal discoveries By Lynnel Reinson In this current time of volatility,...

Nov 21st 2019, Silver Chartbook: Sentiment silence and lies

Sentiment, silence and lies We spoke in our last silver chartbook about how to take a contrarian position. As well we explained how to bet against consensus. Sentiment is one aspect supporting a contrarian trader. This is obviously necessary to achieve a “buy low, sell ...

NV Gold chasing high-grade Au in Nevada

NV Gold (TSX-V:NVX, US-NVGLF) has big plans for 2019 having just doubled the claims on its flagship Frazier Dome Gold Project in the famed Tonopah Gold District of Nevada. On Tuesday, NV Gold released its summer exploration agenda, in conjunction with announcing it...

Gold miners and explorers face serious supply problems

Major gold mining companies are facing a dilemma—declining production as the gold price is hitting record levels. Junior gold explorers are confronting a similar dilemma—fewer legitimate exploration properties with the real potential to host a major economic deposit. This un...

Gatling Exploration Aiming to Prove Three Deposits All Part of One System

The company is starting off with a resource of close to a million ounces of gold before drilling. Gatling Exploration Inc.'s (GTR:TSX.V; GATGF:OTCQX) Larder gold project is located in Ontario on the Cadillac Larder fault in the Abitibi Greenstone Belt, 35 km east of ...

A glide path to profitable gold production

What if a company could sidestep many of the hurdles to building a mine, and do so with a 2-million-ounce, high-grade gold resource? That’s the possibility that Grande Portage Resources (TSXV:GPG; OTCQB:GPTRF) offers investors. And yet, the ...

Rising to Meet the Green Revolution

Q&A with Max Resource Corp Max Resource Corp ( TSX-V: MXR ) is a copper and precious metals exploration company focused on projects in Colombia and Peru. In this in-depth Q&A, Max’s executive team shares investment highlights and key moments in 2021&CloseC...

Desert Gold Ventures, Glencore, Kinross - now is the right time!

Desert Gold Ventures, Glencore, Kinross - now is the right time! Last week, the stock markets in Europe and North America continued their recovery from the lows of March 2020. However, as the week drew to a close, declines were recorded again, due to the tone of the ...

Colombian Mines gearing up for a busy drilling campaign

It has been a reasonably good run for resources companies as improving world economies have infused some buying interest. While companies have taken numerous steps to expand their resource estimates, only those with sound investment cases have been successful in securing fin...
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