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How to Use Price Cycles and Profit as a Swing Trader – SPX, Bonds, Gold, Nat Gas

News does drive certain market events and we understand how certain traders rely on news or interest rates to bias their positions and trades. As technical analysis purists, so to say, we believe the price operates within pure constructs of price rotation theory, trend theory,...

Silver Demand vs Gold Demand

I recently talked with Jim Goddard at HoweStreet radio about gold, silver, miners, the dollar, among other things. Many markets are at major turning points and its critical that investors understand where we are in the major market cycles. Just think of this for a minu...

E-mini Dow Jones Industrial Average (YM) Futures Technical Analysis – Early Look Shows Market Holdin

The first short-term range is 28197 to 27312. Its 50% level or pivot at 27755 is support. It’s also controlling the near-term direction of the Dow. The range for the week is 28047 to 27726. Its 50% level is 27887. Aggressive traders may want to use this level ...

Could This Be a “Suckers” Rally?

Everyone I know who is not involved in the stock market or has little knowledge about it is calling me and asking what stocks, indexes, and commodities to buy because everything is so cheap and dividends are juicy again. Just look at the market sentiment chart, and price c...

AUD/USD Forex Technical Analysis – Strengthens Over .6893, Weakens Under .6876

Based on the early price action and the current price at .6884, the direction of the AUD/USD the rest of the session on Thursday is likely to be determined by trader reaction to the 50% level at .6876 and the downtrending Gann angle at .6893. James Hyerczyk ...

Artificial Intelligence Fibonacci Trading System Predicts Next Price Move

Now that you’ve learned about Fibonacci Price Theory Part I and how major and minor Fibonacci Price Pivots help to map out true price structure Part II , we’ll continue our research article illustrating why we believe a deeper price...

Three Charts Every Trader and Investor Must See

Understanding the stock market and its potential through the use of technical analysis and historical price events has been proven repeatedly to outperform all forms of fundamental trading styles. The following is a story that walks you through my experience, the shift in my...

Russell 2000 Gaps Present Real Targets

Recent Gaps in price action in the IWM (Russell 2000 ETF) presents a clear picture of future price targets and support/resistances. Gaps are one of the most common forms of Technical Analysis techniques. They represent “voids” where price activity has s...

The Wuhan Wipeout – Could It Happen?

News is traveling fast about the Corona Virus that originated in Wuhan, China. Two new confirmed cases in the US, one in Europe and hundreds in China. As we learn more about this potential pandemic outbreak, we are learning that China did very little to contain this problem fr...

Financial Sector Under Pressure and What It Means

The Financial sector is unique in that it is an essential component of global economics as well as local economic functions. Consumers depend on banking services, credit, and all sorts of other financial services in their day-to-day lives. The Financial sector is one of the ...
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