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Oil Price Fundamental Daily Forecast – Speculative Buyers Betting on Increasing Demand Growth

The momentum is currently to the upside and could pick up speed if speculators, betting on increased demand, can drive prices through last week’s highs with conviction. James Hyerczyk U.S. We...

Aphria, Cronos Group, EXMceuticals - it is a buyers' market!

The shares of numerous well-known and unknown cannabis companies have had a dramatic year 2019. Price losses of over 50% are not uncommon. What costs only half today may have become twice as attractive. Due to the large number of cannabis companies listed on the stock exchange...

Trade, Impeachment, And The Conviction Of Buyers And Sellers

ROLLOVER PROCESS 2007-2008 Since every trade has a buyer and a seller, price action in the financial markets is determined by the conviction of buyers relative to the conviction of sellers. In the first half of 2007 (chart below), the conviction of buyers became stronger t...

Oil Price Fundamental Daily Forecast – ...

Oil Price Fundamental Daily Forecast – Supply/Demand Picture Rosy; Low Volume Biggest Concern for Traders Speculative buyers have been driving prices higher for weeks on the hope of supply cuts and a trade deal. Low pre-holiday volume could cause these buyers to curtail...

Lower inflation primes Canada's real estate market for a shift

June’s inflation rate reduced to 2.7 percent from 2.9 percent in May, giving the BOC a reason to lower the current policy interest rate. On June 5 the Bank of Canada lowered the interest rate 25 basis points to 4.75 per cent, and experts are betting on ano...

Real Estate Showing Signs Of Collateral Damage

As we continue to digest economic and global data, our researchers have focused on Real Estate as we believe the contraction in the US economy, spanning corporate, main street, and millions of Americans, will quickly reflect in a slowing Real Estate market. Our researcher at...

Homebuilding stocks are in for a nasty surprise

"You can't believe how screwed up things are down here… " This weekend, I met up with a real estate expert, M, from South Florida. M specializes in REO. REO stands for "Real Estate Owned." Banks lend money to homeowners. Sometimes homeowners don't make their int...

BoC’s Double Rate Cut: Is it a benefit for Canadians

The Bank of Canada (BoC) has implemented a 50-basis-point interest rate cut. This is in responds to a weakening labor market and a 5-year bond yield drop to 2.8%. With unemployment at 6.8%—its highest since 2017 (excluding pandemic years)—the move aims to stimulate the ec...

Real Estate Crash The Next Shoe To Drop – Part II

As we continue to delve into the looming Real Estate crisis that will likely hit the US and globe over the next 12 to 24+ months, we want to focus on the human psychological process of dealing with a crisis event and how that relates to economic engagement. In the first part...

AUD/USD Forex Technical Analysis – Strengthens Over .6893, Weakens Under .6876

Based on the early price action and the current price at .6884, the direction of the AUD/USD the rest of the session on Thursday is likely to be determined by trader reaction to the 50% level at .6876 and the downtrending Gann angle at .6893. James Hyerczyk ...
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