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Barrick Gold, Desert Gold, SolGold - Buffett's Berkshire gives the starting signal

When on Friday evening after trading hours the news went on the tickers that one of the richest people in the world was switching from banks to gold, then this in itself would have received attention. But that of all people Warren Buffett with his investment company Berkshire...

Buzz on the Bullboards: Navigating “the big holiday spend” this tax-loss season

Tax-loss season is on the minds of many investors right now. It is the time of year when some traders feel compelled to dump their losers – and lock-in losses. It has been a hot topic on the...

DAVID SMITH | America It’s Common Sense vs. Debt Slavery

David Smith of the Morgan Report sits down with Maurice Jackson of Proven and Probable to discuss a very important topic germane to the financial state of America, debt slavery. This interview addresses the various entities that are and have been creat...

VIDEO: Understanding Geopolitical Risk - Ep. 05

  (Click image to play video) Geopolitical risks are real factors in investing in the mining sector. @Mercenarygeo Mickey Fulp has years of experience in this area and dropped by to offer some insight on this topic - hear what he has to say and learn about some ...

NEL ASA, Royal Helium, SolGold - profit lies in purchasing

These are exciting times for investors who focus on trends and technologies. Mobility is a hotly debated topic of the present. The storage of energy plays a decisive role alongside its generation. Those who can demonstrate solutions in this market have a lucrative future ahead...

In Conversation with Willow Biosciences – Perspectives from an Analyst & CEO

Valuation, investor perception and Willow’s ( TSX: WLLW ) market opportunity as it closes in on the production of commercial quantities of pharma grade CBD and rare cannabinoids were amongst a variety of topics covered in a recent conversation between Gr...

Evotec, Memphasys, MorphoSys - Growth Industry Health

He who is healthy has many desires, he who is ill only one. Companies around the globe deal with diseases and special features of nature in order to treat or cure them. In addition to the widespread disease of cancer, there are also topics that are less talked about, but are a...

VanGold Mining's Successful 1,039-tonne Bulk Sample in Mexico Provides Critical Info

VanGold Mining Corp.'s (VGLD:TSX.V) flagship project, El Pinguico , hosts a high-grade past producing silver (Ag) and gold (Ag) mine (400 tonnes/day). It's located 7 km south of the city of Guanajuato, in central Mexico. The mine operated from the late 1880s until 1913,...

Exclusive CEO Interview, Thomas Ullrich, Aston Bay [BAY.v]

I’ve been watching this Company for nearly 2 years. There have been ups and downs, a lot of excitement and some disappointments, but the management team at Aston Bay Holdings (TSX-V: BAY) (OTCQB: ATBHF) is superb, no one can argue that fact. And, the market f...

The Message From The Stock/Bond Ratio

BONDS WERE EXTENDED AT THE END OF MAY Rare extended look on May 31, 2019. A June 4 post outlined an extremely rare and extended condition in the bond market that had only occurred ten times in the past thirty-three years. The historical cases told us to be open to a pe...
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