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POET Technologies: Making the Internet Faster

Headquartered in Toronto with operations in the US, Singapore and China – Poet Technologies has created the first-ever wafer-level integration of electronics and photonics into a single device called the POET Optical Interposer. The Interposer achieves electronics and pho...

Buzz on the Bullboards: Favourites in the Hot Sectors

(Image via Desert Mountain Energy Corp. Click to enlarge.) The fact that all companies are basically "fair game" on the Stockhouse Bullboards is one of its top highlights. In our review of the weekly top 6 most viewed companies by sector, newcomers might expect ...

EyeGate Pharma Shares Looking Up on Pivotal PRK Ocular Bandage Gel Study Data

EyeGate Pharmaceuticals shares opened nearly 85% higher today after the company reported select topline data demonstrating that it met its primary endpoint in its cornea wound repairs pivotal photorefractive keratectomy study using the firm's Ocular Bandage Gel eye drop. ...

AI Fibonacci Modeling Predicts Silver at $26

Our Adaptive Fibonacci Price Modeling system incorporates an intelligent “Inference Engine” into internal decision-making and future analysis. This type of “Adaptive Learning” is one of the core elements of Artificial Intelligence ...

How photonics hardware is powering ChatGPT and the AI revolution

The AI market is red hot in 2023. For the technology to remain in high demand in the years ahead it will need to deliver more efficient and affordable solutions. Photonics-enabled hardware is essential for that progress. It’s easy to argue that the rea...

Feb 12th 2020, Crypto Chartbook – Consistently extracting profits

Consistently extracting profits In our chartbook publication from last week we published a chart with entry levels as a guide on when to enter the market. Briefly after publication, the first low risk price level was approached. Consequently we posted a screen...

Top 5 Smart Contract Technology Platforms in 2019

Cryptocurrency is still the hot trend. The industry enjoyed a great boom in 2017 — then, Bitcoin skyrocketed, and so did almost all altcoins. ICOs also gained immense popularity, collecting more than $7 billion in investments . The trend was expected to continue in 2018, but ...

dynaCERT first institutional coverage; >250% near-term upside, no competition in $6 Trillion market

dynaCERT’s Fuel-Saving and Carbon Emission Reduction Technology is award winning and on an accelerated growth adoption curve that is expected to translate into significant sales and upside share price revaluation. dynaCERT's proprietary HG technology has ...

A Very Unique Stock, Utilizing the Most Valuable Resources on Earth

(Image via Western Sierra Resource Corp.) One of the most valuable resources in the United States, if not the world today, is water. Not only is water crucial for our survival in countless ways, this 40 Million dollar water asset in Colorado is what unifies the f...

Visionstate set to leverage success in the U.S. market

The following is a transcription of the above video, and The Market Online has edited it for clarity . Visionstate Corp (TSXV:VIS) , a company whose vision is to be the leading global provider of IoT solutions for facility management. Their flagship software WANDA i...
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