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Hidden dangers of rising commodity prices

"If they're just processors, forget them... Shoot them, in fact." Jeremy Grantham is a legend on Wall Street. He called the top of the Japanese economy in 1989, the top of the tech bubble in 2000, and the bottom of the stock market in 2009. When he talks, investors liste...

Commodities sector has a new king

Gold is grabbing the headlines setting daily record highs. Silver is setting an-even-more-torrid pace. Wheat and coffee - American breakfast table staples - are surging due to bad weather around the world. But there's another commodity that's up big: It's surged ...

SSR Mining: I Hear They've Got A Taiga By The Tail In Sask.!

Tigers. Raaa! The exploration industry loves tigers! Tigers are used as a metaphor in the exploration industry to describe something big -- something fierce -- something rare. Whenever geologists think they're onto a BIG and VALUABLE new discovery they...

Retail advertising and AI-driven security solutions company growing rapidly

The location-based technology provider INEO Tech Corp. (TSXV:INEO) started growing its business right here in Canada but has since expanded to 23 states across the United States and even Colombia. The company has managed to combine advertising at storefront entran...

Buzz on the Bullboards: Suspenseful September

Does no news equal good news, bad news, or both? That was the question this week on the Stockhouse Bullboards as users came to debate some of the most active and promising stocks on the market. Investors, readers, and even some executives regularly visit Stockhouse to see ...

Silverbugs? Is It Time for Silver Stocks To Blast Higher?

In 1973, planes loaded with 35 million ounces of silver flew to Switzerland. The investment was initially designed as a hedge against inflation, which was becoming rampant in the United States. The gold standard had just been lifted and the value of the U.S. Dollar ...

Searching for the most promising non-U.S. investment options

When scanning the various investment boards and forums on the Internet these days, it's obvious that most people have very low confidence both in the economy and the government's efforts to fix it. "Smoke and mirrors" is a common theme directed at the officials wh...

Kincora Releases First Copper-Gold Assays at Mongolia Project

On September 10th Kincora Copper Ltd. (KCC:TSX.V) provided the first drilling update at its 100%-owned copper-gold porphyry projects in the Southern Gobi region of Mongolia. This update comes after an oversubscribed $6.25 million equity raising in late June. First p...

Finding the Jackpot in the Electronic Gaming Machine Market

I have an interest in gambling and poker as a venue for some modest entertainment. After all, investing in penny stocks would qualify as gambling, but like any gambler, we look for an edge or advantage. With penny stocks, my edge is many years of experience and a long lis...

Buzz on the Bullboards: One Step Closer to a Canadian-Made COVID Vaccine?

(Image via Theralase Technologies Inc.) Clinical-stage pharmaceutical company Theralase Technologies Inc. ( TSX-V: TLT , Forum ) has demonstrated proof-of-concept for its Canadian-made COVID-19 vaccine. In collaboration with the University of Manitoba (UM), t...
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