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Falcon Gold does another victory lap with increased land holding

Falcon Gold (FG.V) does another victory lap with increased land holding I love it when a plan comes together. Little Falcon Gold (FG.V) , that only recently boasted the sort of market cap that would have bought you a 3 bedroom in Red Deer, announced Thursday it is enjo...

Welcome to the Zombie-land Of Investing – Part I

This current market environment is very reminiscent of the 2006-08 market environment where price rotated into weakness on technicals and continued to establish new all-time price highs in the process – creating what we are calling a “zombie-land melt-up”...

Welcome to the Zombie-land Of Investing - Part II

In Part I of this research post, we highlight how the ES and Gold reacted 24+ months prior to the 2007-08 market peak and subsequent collapse in 2008-09. The point we were trying to push out to our followers was that the current US stock market indexes are acting in a very...

First Helium creates two premium helium projects in Alberta

The Alberta-focused, cash-flowing, multi-project helium developer First Helium stock (TSXV:HELI) is seeing a demand for its assets. The company has two premier helium projects in Alberta that are high-value, low risk to high-impact exploration opportunities. The company...

Exploring District-Scale Land Packages in World-Class Gold Jurisdictions

Meet the global gold explorer that controls a number of early-stage properties in Ontario in areas with active and historic mining activities, along with three projects in Ghana, West Africa. Pelangio Exploration Inc. ( TSX-V.PX , OTC: PGXPF , Forum ) is a Canadian j...

Overlooked commodity of which China can't get enough

"Virtually every lumber customer we have in the state of Oregon is now cutting for the Chinese market." That quote comes straight from Rick Holley, CEO of Plum Creek Timber ( NYSE: PCL ), the biggest timberland owner in the U.S. The benchmark commodit...

A Responsible Take on the World’s #1 Resource

Back in October , we introduced our Stockhouse investor audience to a very different, and very profitable, kind of company that has been a market leader working to establish itself as the only primary helium producer in the world, but also as a leader in ESG practices. ...

Goldshore Resources: emerging junior gold development company

Goldshore Resources is a well-financed junior gold development company supported by a strong management group. The company is currently focusing on its Moss Lake Gold Project, looking to take the area to new stages of exploration. To talk more about the company ...

Is The Current Rally A True Valuation Rally or Euphoria?

Our research team has been warning that the US stock market price rally over the past few months has been more of a zombie-land price rally than a true valuation rally. Our researchers believe the continued push higher has been more about capital seeking safety away from forei...

The Mega Opportunity in Organic Soil Health

(Click image to play video) From rising costs, to rising populations, to the COVID-19 pandemic and its impact on the global food supply, there are new issues around growing production that few companies are prepared for. This is where EarthRenew Inc. ( CS...
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