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Buzz on the Bullboards: TSX stocks making headlines this week

The TSX experienced a dynamic week. It opened flat on Monday, but saw a significant jump on Tuesday, driven by a global increase in commodity prices following new monetary stimulus measures in China. However, the energy sector’s decline led to a breather...

Shortcomings of Traditional IT MSPs In The Mining Industry

Each and every one of us benefits from the contents that are extracted from a mine. As the world population continues to grow, it creates enormous pressure on mining companies to supply the minerals, metal and fuel that we have all become dependent on to improve our quality ...

“Little Red Book” App - Will It Destroy Democracy?

You are probably familiar with the most printed book in the world: the Bible. But you’ve probably never even heard of the second-most printed book. It’s known as the “Little Red Book,” or officially “Quotations from ...

A Bitcoin platform far safer than traditional exchanges

Our next company is a non-custodial, Bitcoin exchange headquartered in Edmonton, Canada. The company’s mission is to make Bitcoin more accessible and more inclusive for investors. Joining us is Adam O’Brien, founder and CEO of Bitcoin ...

Research and Technology Company Builds off Great Results

CB2 Insights ( C.CBII , OTC:CBTOF , Forum ) launched as a public company in March 2019 and, against trend in the small cap space, operated with cash flows from operations while growing the company 24 percent year-on-year with Q3 revenues reaching $4.2M. Recently, ...

A Market ‘Game Changer’ for Rapid COVID-19 At-Home Testing?

(Click image to play video) While we can finally see light at the end of the tunnel in the fight against COVID-19, the global pandemic has invariably changed how we interact with the world around us. The two big names when it comes to fighting the virus are ...

Software For Safe Medical Cannabis Access

Alternate Health’s integrated health services features clinical laboratories and CanaPass - online patient management software for safe access to medical cannabis. Currently generating revenue, Alternate Health plans to reinvest profit...

Calculate the Trading Strategies' Profitability like a Pro

Investors venture into cryptocurrency trading to gain profits. They employ customized trading strategies, portfolio management strategies, and progressive investment decisions throughout their trade. Due to the progressive nature of trading, tracking one&CloseCurlyQuote...

StockTalk Podcast Exclusive: The Incomparable Bruce Linton

Welcome to StockTalk – the new Stockhouse podcast series that brings you behind-the- scenes insights into trending topics from capital markets influencers and entrepreneurs…broadcasting from the heart of the financial district in downtown Vancouver. In this episode, Sto...

US between Scylla and Charybdis

I’m just going to come right out and say it: The United States is not equipped to deal with a pandemic. The nation of 327 million, despite having the number one economy in the world, and by far the most powerful military, is shockingly ill-prepared, not only ...
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