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Canagold: Sweet Surprise as a High-Grade Low-Cost Gold Deposit Delivers

It’s a big shot in the arm that promises to redouble the considerable scarcity value of the New Polaris gold deposit. A one-million-ounce gold deposit that is owned by Canagold Resources ( TSX: CCM ) (OTCBB: CRCUF) ( Frankfurt: CANA), New Polaris may be ...

The Seed-to-Sale Cannabis Co. Offering Real Growth Value & Opportunity

Stockhouse investors are likely familiar with one of the most recognizable names in the Canadian retail cannabis space – Delta 9 Cannabis Inc . (DN) ( TSX.DN , OTCQB: DLTNF , Forum ). But the company is much more than just stores. Delta 9 is a fully vertically-integrat...

Aben Resources: Mines are built not found

Exploration is a hunt for minerals. If it was as easy as flying a helicopter survey, taking a few soil samples, and then punching in some corresponding holes, everyone would be successful at it. But it doesn’t work that way, the earth guards her secrets close...

A psychedelic renaissance

Fifty-three years after LSD was banned by the FDA, psychedelic drugs are making a comeback. Only instead of being the pills, mushrooms and acid tabs that helped college students to “turn on, tune in, drop out” Timothy Leary-style, today’...

Vertically Integrated Hemp/CBD Player Sweet Earth Holdings Debuts on CSE

One could hardly time a better entrance to the CBD/hemp/cannabis and related space than Sweet Earth Holdings Corp.'s (SE:CSE) trading debut on May 26. Late last week, researchers from Canada's University of Lethbridge found that CBD appears to help prevent contracting C...

Cryptocurrency A New Beginning in the Offing

Whenever someone says the word cryptocurrency, the first thing that comes to the mind is Bitcoin. This virtual token of currency became all the more famous when its value rose to $20,000 in December 2017. However, after that Bitcoin saw a huge crash and its value decrease...

3D printing is a manufacturing game-changer

Calling all carnivores: ever thought about getting a meat printer? Of hand-crafting delectable beef steaks at home from plant proteins, that have the same texture, appearance and flavor as real meat, only without the distasteful killing part? 3D-printed steaks and chicken ...

Voxtur is the Leading Provider of Digital, SaaS Solutions for Real Estate Transactions in N. America

Before we dive into what makes Voxtur Analytics ( TSX-V: VXTR ; OTCQB: VXTRF) a standout PropTech company (and an undervalued investment opportunity), it’s worth highlighting a few recent developments: –Voxtur has seen revenues increase 300% year-over-year a...

Exploring Four High-Grade Gold Projects in a “Bonanza” District

The circus of despair that has been 2020 was – among other things – a transformative time for the vast majority of industries, businesses and people around the world. From the utter collapse of global stock markets in mid-March to a soaring gold price that peaked in early Aug...

Buzz on the Bullboards: Creating Cash out of an Economy Crunch

(Image via Bombardier Inc.) If you’re looking to see the stocks that investors have been keeping an eye on over the past week, you’ve come to the right place. The Stockhouse community regularly acts as a microcosm of investor sen...
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