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How central bank gold buying is undermining the dollar

Ahead of the Herd has been digging into why central banks are buying a lot of gold recently . What we’ve found is eyebrow-raising, to say the least. It may be the best reason you’ve ever read for wanting to buy gold. Take this headline fro...

The Secret Central Bank Gold Transfer - Operation Fish

“Gold is a relic of barbarism and should be discarded by all civilized nations as a medium of exchange.” -John T. Goss, addressing the U.S. Senate in 1894 By the early summer of 1940, Belgium and the Netherlands were defeated. France w...

Quantum Economics, Negative Interest Rates and Financially Transmitted Diseases

This week the US Federal Reserve announced an emergency rate cut of 0.5% (50bps). It is part of a coordinated effort by central bankers around the world to keep the decade long bull market going a few days longer. Ultra low interest rates and ever depreciating currencie...

The Oil Crisis Saudi Arabia Can't Solve

Saudi Arabia's CEO Amin Nasr's message to the press that oil flows to the market are guaranteed, should be taken with a pinch of salt. Looking at the current volatility in the Persian/Arabian Gulf and the possibility of a temporary closure of the Strait of Hormuz, the Ar...

Technical Analyst: Medical Device Stock Looking Set to Reverse

Technical analyst Clive Maund charts the stock of this company that has developed a device that uses a special light that visualizes cancer during minimally invasive surgery. This is an interesting story. Without going into more detail than is necessary, Imagin Me...

The Oil Crisis Saudi Arabia Can't Solve

Saudi Arabia's CEO Amin Nasr's message to the press that oil flows to the market are guaranteed, should be taken with a pinch of salt. Looking at the current volatility in the Persian/Arabian Gulf and the possibility of a temporary closure of the Strait of Hormuz, the Ar...

Buzz on the Bullboards: Who’s taking off and who’s grounded

We are just around the corner from the end of the personal fiscal year, and signs of increased activity are wherever you look. Those who are looking to cash in, or brokers looking for a couple of solid deals, are making their last-minute moves while companies look to ...

Gold in the Negative Real Interest Rates Environment

Many believe that negative interest rates will never arrive to the United States. This can’t possibly happen here. The discussions of their theoretical benefits almost remind you of the not-in-my-backyard mentality. But this is not true – they are already prese...

What if the Fed Stops Cutting Rates?

Fed rate cuts have been the driving force of the recent gains in precious metals. This is not a surprise to our readers as since 2018 we argued that a shift in Fed policy from rate hikes to rate cuts would springboard the next big move. History argued the same. The mar...

How a junior copper and gold explorer added the coveted Santa Cecilia project to its portfolio

The copper price has had a booming 2021 — having reached an all-time high of US$4.90 in May of this year — and companies in the space have been reaping the benefits of this year’s hottest metal. Meet Vancouver, BC-based Torq Resources Inc. ( TSXV:TORQ ,...
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