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Inside Update on Gold with Veteran Experts

Stockhouse readers and investors know Mickey Fulp and Dr. Kal Kotecha . And, for years, they’ve trusted what these two seasoned gold mining analysts have had to say when it comes to market trends…from the bulls to the bears. And even zombie miners! ...

More downgrades in store for Altera (ALTR)?

Share | Thanks to a recent spate of negative analyst notes, the shares of semiconductor firm Altera Corporation ( NASDAQ: ALTR ) slipped several points lower last week -- adding to the stock’s latest decline. From a longer-term perspective, the security...

Oil Price Fundamental Daily Forecast – Speculative Buyers Betting on Increasing Demand Growth

The momentum is currently to the upside and could pick up speed if speculators, betting on increased demand, can drive prices through last week’s highs with conviction. James Hyerczyk U.S. We...

Gold, the Ultimate Safe Haven Asset. A Looming Nobel Prize?

Yesterday, the Nobel prizes in economics were awarded. Unfortunately, gold has been omitted and got nothing. How unfair! But looking at the Dutch central bank press release, gold would have much higher chances if they were the ones granting the prizes and not the Swedish ...

Oil Price Fundamental Daily Forecast – IEA Sees Oversupplied Market, OPEC Forecasts Deficit

OPEC and the IEA appear to be at odds about supply in 2020, however, the focus for investors at this time is really on future demand growth. Helping to generate concerns about demand growth is the lingering battle between the world’s two biggest economies – th...

International stocks with serious potential

This week we'll take a closer look at some actual stocks and country-related ETFs you can buy that capitalize on the strength of the country itself and that of its underlying currencies. To help clarify what we looked at last week, here's two currency charts featuring the ...

Colombia is open for resource investing

Following a recent group email exchange with Louis James, the truly tireless editor of Casey’s International Speculator currently kicking rocks in Colombia, one of the non-Casey Research participants in the exchange commented, “You guys are doing it right. ...

NBER’s Recession Indicators and Gold

The question is not ‘if’ but ‘when’. This is what more and more analysts think about the US recession. We invite you to read our today’s article about the NBER’s recession indicators and find out whether the eco...

Will Fed’s New Balance Sheet Policy be a Reason to Buy Gold?

As always, most analysts focus not on what they really should. After March FOMC meeting, everyone was talking about the more dovish dot-plot . But the Fed also announced that it will end the unwinding of its balance sheet in September. As these changes are revolutionary...

This Mining Company Is Back to Creating Value for Investors

As many of you know, I serve as interim CEO and chairman of HIVE Blockchain Technologies, the first publicly traded company involved in the mining of cryptocurrencies. We maintain facilities in Iceland, Sweden and Norway, all of which have optimally cool climates and chea...
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