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April 21st 2020, Crypto Chartbook: Uncertainty – opportunity in disguise

Uncertainty – opportunity in disguise We have just entered into a future with a higher degree of uncertainty. Times of more rapid change promise innovation, a higher degree of risk taking, in short evolution on steroids awaits. History shows that times like these spell op...

The Green Metals Company Igniting the Green Revolution

When Stockhouse Editorial caught up with Generation Mining Ltd. ( TSX.GENM , OTC: GENMF , Forum ) back in March , the Company has completed a feasibility study for its Marathon Palladium-Copper – the largest undeveloped palladium project in North America. Most pal...

Mar 20th 2020, Silver Chartbook – No time for fear

No time for fear In our last publication of our weekly silver chartbook we advised the purchase of physical silver. It was timely since shortly thereafter shortages of physical precious metal deliveries were common. Coins and bullion are now being sold as much as 10...

Massive Price Reversion May Be Days or Weeks Away

Our researcher team believes a massive global market price reversion/correction may be setting up and may only be a few days or weeks away from initiating. Our team of dedicated researchers and market analysts have been studying the markets, precious metals, and most recently ...

Emergency Technical Traders Market Crash Update & Video Analysis

The US stock market opened Sunday, March 8, 2020, dramatically lower. Oil collapsed 25% to near $30. Gold shot higher to levels just above $1700. All of the major US indexes were lower than 5%. As of this morning, the US major indexes are lower by 6.40%, and oil down 23%. Bo...

April 7th 2020, Crypto Chartbook: How to stay ahead

How to stay ahead The simple answer is: Ask quality questions. If you followed our free telegram channel you were not out of toilet paper, did not lose money in the stock market and were less emotionally frazzled by news than the average citizen. Why? Because we shared ...

June 30th 2020, Crypto Chartbook: Back to the future

Back to the future When reading fiction of time travel into the past or watching movies about time machines one theme dominates. The people who travel back in time worry immensely about how their behavior alters history. They fear about all the consequences of what they d...

The Drill is Turning to Uncover the Stargate II Anomaly: A Large Gold Pipe?

Game-Changer Potential for Ximen Mining The large Stargate II Anomaly (red) at the Gold Drop Property ( see video here ). Today, Ximen Mining Corp. announced that drilling has started on the Gold Drop Property in southern British Columbia to test the Sta...

Learn & Earn From One of Brazil’s Leading Independent Gas Companies

(Click image to watch video) Alvopetro Energy ( TSX-V.ALV , OTCMKTS: ALVOF , Forum ) is a Calgary-based, $160 million dollar-plus market cap resource company engaged in the exploration, acquisition, development, and production of hydrocarbons in Brazil. Stoc...

Augmented Reality Shows Huge Potential for Augmented Gains

Augmented Reality has been the province of behemoths like Amazon and Apple, but a small-cap firm is finding success bringing AR to smaller businesses. NexTec...
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