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SmileDirectClub Awarded US Patent for SmileShop Concept and Plans to Reopen Stores in May

SmileDirectClub shares traded 20% higher after the company reported it has been awarded a U.S. patent for its SmileShop retail concept and treatment process and that it plans to reopen stores on a rolling basis starting in May. SmileDirectClub Inc. (SDC:NASD...

A Very Unique Stock, Utilizing the Most Valuable Resources on Earth

(Image via Western Sierra Resource Corp.) One of the most valuable resources in the United States, if not the world today, is water. Not only is water crucial for our survival in countless ways, this 40 Million dollar water asset in Colorado is what unifies the f...

Building a Better Healthcare Solution Amid Great Demand

(Click image above to play video) Welcome to the one-stop shop for remote in-home health monitoring. Soon-to be publicly-listed Cloud DX Inc. ( TSX-V.ROSV.P , Forum ) is an innovative, cutting-edge company that offers ‘The Connected Health Kit&CloseCurlyQuot...

Buzz on the Bullboards: Crisis Creates Opportunity

As November draws to a close, many investors may take time to consider what they are thankful for. Even if the American Thanksgiving isn’t something you celebrate, there are a lot of reasons to be thankful these days, from having our health, to major stock...

New Rugged Handset Could Be A Game Changer For Siyata Mobile

First responders deserve better. Their traditional land mobile radio (LMR) setups are clunky, offer only low data speeds, and have limited coverage with dead zones that often slow down response times. Siyata Mobile Inc. ( NASDAQ: SYTA , Forum ) , with its push-to-talk ov...

From Cystic Fibrosis to COVID-19: A Medical Solution Like No Other

(Image via Dymedso Inc.) Airway clearance therapy has been a cornerstone of treatments aimed at minimizing the devastating effects of airway obstruction, infection, and inflammation caused by a buildup of mucus in lung conditions … but finding a non-invasive solutio...

Buzz on the Bullboards: Isodiol rising

After cannabis stocks consolidated over a quiet summer, many of these stocks are once again powering higher. For both Stockhouse readers and Bullboard users, it may seem like “all cannabis, all the time” at the moment. But that’s where inv...

Genius Brands Shares Rise 15% on Planned Launch of the New 'Kartoon Channel!'

Genius Brands International shares traded higher after the company reported that on Monday, June 15, it will be launching the new "Kartoon Channel!", which will be available in over 100 million U.S. television households and on 200 million mobile devices. Geni...

This Company is Already Generating Revenue in Canada’s New Data Frontier

(Image via SkyChain Technologies Inc.) Considered the future of enterprise data processing, Edge computing promises major leaps in data processing, as it allows internet consumers to use more connected applications and devices with minimal latency / lag time and networ...

Data speeds are increasing to 1.6T – what does that mean for you?

By POET Technologies The internet is getting faster and what’s making it happen is the increase in data speeds from 400G to 800G and 1.6T – and eventually beyond. Modern life demands these increases because our world has an insatiable desire for ban...
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