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Buzz on the Bullboards: Who is shining through the market slump?

The market story this week has been less impressive on both sides of the border than what we saw in the week where February turned to March. Recent losses and flatline trading have negated Wall Street’s previous record-setting run where major U.S. indices ...

Buzz on the Bullboards: Good stocks with bad publicity

It was hedge fund legend Ray Dalio who said: “He who lives by the crystal ball will eat shattered glass.” Many stock markets may have seen a higher start to the year so far, but there is far from a universal sentiment across the sectors, with s...

Buzz on the Bullboards: Rebound, or smoke and mirrors?

Could the recent fears around banking stocks be washing away? Given the recent performance among major indices, it seems possible. Gold held steady as the usual investment haven and that played right into the hands of miners ready with fresh news. Reaping the fr...

Buzz on the Bullboards: Much-needed good news

It has been a week of good news for investors. The Bank of Canada kept interest rates on hold at 4.50 per cent, becoming the first major central bank to suspend its campaign against rising inflation. Although it has been a volatile season and the TSX sustained lo...

Jackpot Digital (TSXV:JJ): Meet the company revolutionizing casino gaming

What does the future of casino gaming look like? Well, just imagine, for a moment, being on a cruise, playing the tables at the casino, and you hit a patch of rough waters. Well, Jackpot Digital, it seems, has thought of this. They signed a deal in 2017 with Carni...

AMPD is leading the transition to the next generation of computing infrastructure

Welcome to the Market Herald Top Line. I’m Brieanna McCutcheon, reporting from Downtown Vancouver. AMPD is a next-generation infrastructure company looking to reinvent the internet to support low-latency applications in an environmentally conscious w...

The Company that’s Delivering Medicalized Ibogaine-Centered Addiction Care

Universal Ibogaine Inc. (UI) ( TSX-V.IBO , Forum ) is a company uniquely-positioned to address the opioid epidemic through a safe, effective, and proven plant medicine – Ibogaine – and a proven treatment protocol which has successfully treated thousands of patients. ...

Top Cannabis Stocks

If you’re looking to invest in cannabis stocks, there are a couple of different approaches you can take. It helps to look at many types of companies in different parts of the industry and see which looks the most promising for your portfolio. The cannabis s...

Ibogaine Drug Development: Creating The Gold Standard For Addiction Treatment

(Click image to play video.) A renewed interest in the therapeutic power psychedelic of compounds is revealing a potent and commercially viable solution. Vancouver BC-based Universal Ibogaine Inc. (UI) ( TSX-V: IBO , Forum ) is positioned to address the opioid e...

A “Forward” Thinking Solution to the Way Industry Handles Wastewater

(Click image to play video.) Finding practical and long-term solutions to water sustainability is one of the planet’s most pressing needs. And one of the greatest challenges facing humanity in the 21 st century is access to abundant, clean water...
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