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Mickey Fulp: Buy the Unknown, Unloved, Unwanted, Undervalued

Maurice Jackson: Joining us for conversation is Mickey Fulp, the world-renowned Mercenary Geologist . I want to speak to you today about the mainstream financial news networks and the narratives that they're pushing on both sides of the aisle, respectively. And of cou...

Feb 28th 2020, Silver Chartbook – The weakest link

The weakest link The weakest link is you . That is not always easy to admit, but it is factual, that the main cause for large draw downs is human error. The list of errors in market participation is long. For example running stops or sitting frozen behind the monitor ...

Surprise decision in the UK to thwart a No-Deal Brexit changed the dynamics of the markets

Our August 19 th prediction of a market breakdown, as well as our continued research suggesting a breakdown in price was the most likely outcome, is a combination of technical analysis, predictive modeling and our understanding of the market dynamics at play throughout the wo...

The Equities Wedge At The Edge – Front And Center

We continue to alert our followers of the extended Wedge (Flag or Pennant) formation that has setup over the past 16+ months in most of the US major indexes. The reason these are so important for skilled technical traders is because the Apex of these formations typically resul...

Soliton Shares Rise on Announcement It Will Report Clinical Data at National Dermatology Conference

Soliton Inc. shares traded 10% higher today after advising that later this month it will present the data from clinical trials for its Rapid Acoustic Pulse device used in the treatment of keloid and hypertrophic scars at the American Society for Dermatologic Surgery Annual Mee...

7 Year Cycles Can Be Powerful And Gold Just Started One

Our research and predictive modeling systems have nailed Gold over the past 15+ months. We expected Gold to rally above $1750 before the end of this year, but the global trade wars and news cycles stalled the rally in Gold over the past 2 months. Now, it appears Gold is poised...

A Combination Topping Pattern Is Setting Up

Our research team has highlighted a number of technical and other factors that point to a very real potential of a major market top setting up across the global markets. We've highlighted a number of research articles over the past 30 to 45 days that clearly illustrate our int...

Could DehydraTECH CBD be Worth $3 Billion a Year to Lexaria?

PCG Digital -- Hypertension, or high blood pressure as it's commonly known, affects over three million Americans every year and is a primary or contributing cause of death for 25% of them. On a global scale, hypertension kills roughly 7.6 milli on people per year . L...

US stock prices are ignoring the economic meltdown, wait for it…

Many months ago, our research team suggested any future collapse in the global markets would likely prompt a global capital shift in how capital identifies and is deployed for ROI. We’ve continued to suggest that the more mature, global economies will become ...

Staying Cautious & Staying Prepared With You Trading Account

Over the past 30+ days, our researchers have been warning our friends and followers to stay cautious and to consider the risks within this market trend. Certainly, we’ve received some emails and contact from some people suggesting we should become more active...
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