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Events that Shook the Global Financial Markets in 2019

It was another big year for the global financial markets that culminated in a phase 1 trade agreement and assured Britain’s departure from the EU. Bob Mason It was yet another spectacular yea...

What to Do Next After Our Unthinkable Oil Profits?

From the unimaginable lows, crude oil is shaking off the dust. Moving higher, can it rise like a phoenix? Before moving to the technical part of today’s analysis, it seems that a quote from yesterday’s Oil Trading Alert would be appropriate...

Real Estate Crash The Next Shoe To Drop – Part III

Our continued research into the state and status of the Real Estate market continues to point to a process that is starting to unfold in the US which may put price and activity levels at risk. Within the past two segments of this research article, we’ve highl...

Soft Patch in S&P 500 Ahead – Or Almost Over Already?

Going from strength to strength, but isn't a soft patch in stocks drawing near – or better yet, aren't we entering it with today's premarket action? The bulls have shaken off anything coming their way recently, and I continue to think it'll turn out as a blip on the screen. ...

Got Gold Report: COMEX commercials halt silver advance

ATLANTA – We are going to let the charts do most of the “talking” in this offering of the Got Gold Report - in a new, much shorter format. Pressure on the euro eased, the U.S. dollar index corrected lower, both gold and silver saw profit taking (espec...

S&P 500 in the Aftermath of Fed’s $2.3T Backstop

Let’s join yesterday’s Gold & Silver Weekend Special, and bring you an advance one in stocks as well. As the coronavirus crisis, response and anticipations are what is moving the markets, today’s Alert will draw on yesterday&Cl...

Meet the “Preeminent Uranium Explorer” in Canada’s Athabasca Basin

There have been a lot of misconceptions regarding what the real catalysts will be to power “The New Green Revolution.” The conventional wisdom has always centered around wind, solar and hydro power. But one of the cheapest, cleanest and most reliable s...

Got Gold Report: COMEX gold shorts fight breakout

HOUSTON – Gold broke out of its three-month triangular consolidation this past week, but as we mentioned in the blog, the breakout was strongly opposed by the “usual suspects” on the COMEX futures bourse. It is Game-On for gold! There has been an...