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Lower inflation primes Canada's real estate market for a shift

June’s inflation rate reduced to 2.7 percent from 2.9 percent in May, giving the BOC a reason to lower the current policy interest rate. On June 5 the Bank of Canada lowered the interest rate 25 basis points to 4.75 per cent, and experts are betting on ano...

Why A Multi-Billion-Dollar Diamond Discovery Looms Large

The discovery of Canada’s next multi-billion-dollar diamond deposit is long overdue. Truth be told, a truly big, world-class diamond discovery has not been made in Canada since the 90s. However, there has been a renewed push in recent years to unlock the ge...

Tick-Tock: Quietly Doing the Work Proving an Intriguing Gold Resource

When we first talked about Tocvan Resources ( TOC.C , Forum ) back in June, it was selling for around $0.15 and nobody was really talking about it. In certain markets, hype is rewarded hard, but there's something to be said for a deal in which what's being said is the v...

Financially Transmitted Diseases

I came up with Financially Transmitted Disease, or FTD TM for short, a couple of years ago. It all happened when I was having dinner with some colleagues discussing quantitative easing (QE) and negative interest rate policy (NIRP). NIRP will have the biggest impact...

June 5th 2020, Silver Chartbook – Think exits not entries

Think exits not entries Trading and chart software provides many features. The ones most commonly used are alerts for extremes. Session opening and closes. Highs and lows of the day (week, month, year). Volume, range and price percentage spikes and so forth. Humans ar...

ION Energy: Mongolia's first lithium brine explorer & developer

ION Energy is in the business of exploration and development of lithium brine in Mongolia. ION is currently focused on two projects, their flagship project just 24 km from the Chinese border and another bringing their company to a total of over 110 thousand hectares ...

3 Tips for Picking Junior Gold Stocks

As the correction in gold stocks continues and as it’s likely to endure for the time being, we take a step back and share some tips for selecting individual junior gold companies. The current correction may provide the last chance to buy before the bull mar...

F Disrespectful Fiduciary Responsibility

Concerned under the existential dread that "The robots could take over" and take control of the job of writer as easily as they did to that of the cashier or comedian, I attempted to create an article via an AI algoritm, the result .... There has been a lot of talk in the...

Buzz on the Bullboards: Summer market madness

It is the first full day of summer and traders south of the border returned to the markets after a long weekend selling off shares on their first day back. Baytex Energy Stock made news after closing its acquisition of Ranger Oil Corp. for C$2.9 billion. T...

Promising Results from Shallow & Deep Drilling at Gold Drop

Full size / Photo of drill core from the Stargate II Anomaly showing pencil magnet deflected by magnetite disseminated in greenstone with epidote alteration. Shallow and deep drilling at Gold Drop produce highly promising results and findings ...
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