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Will the Second Wave Trigger Rally in Gold?

The initial health crisis seems to be under control in many countries. But this is not the end of pandemic and many epidemiologist warn against the second wave of injections. We invite you to read our today’s article about the second wave of the new coronavirus...

Is the Waterfall in S&P 500 Over Now?

After Thursday's blood bath, Friday's recovery fizzled out, new weekly lows were made and as well rejected – where next in this correction? Given the preceding momentum, I would look for some more down-to-sideways action before the upswing reasserts itself. Despite the late-Fr...

Golden Arrow Resources Completes Selling of 25% Interest in Puna Operations to SSR Mining; Exciting

The Critical Investor reviews Golden Arrow's deal with SSR Mining to sell its remaining interest, and also discusses the company's other projects. Golden Arrow Resources Corp. (GRG:TSX.V; GARWF:OTCQB; G6A:FSE) recently ended the seven-year-long Chinchillas adventur...

Don’t Buy Silver Eagles, Buy This Instead

Hey, I love Silver Eagles, but allow me to share a better value proposition that is available to you! Remember that Miles Franklin we are licensed, insured, and bonded. Before you make a purchase with a competitor get their license n...

Graphite: Why now is the time to invest

Remember when you used to take standardized tests in school with a yellow No. 2 graphite pencil? I can still remember myself in fourth grade filling in answer bubbles as my teacher scanned the room trying to catch anyone cheating. Back then, pencils were probably the onl...

How to Buy Penny Stocks

A "penny stock" (also known as a micro-cap stock) is a publicly-traded stock with an extremely low price per share – usually under five dollars and often less than a dollar (hence the name "penny" stock). They are typically issued by small, less-established companies. Be ...

Bitcoin and Copper: A Surprising Connection

As Bitcoin continues to gain traction, an unexpected link to copper is becoming increasingly evident. As Bitcoin’s growth accelerates, so does the demand for copper. Projections indicate a 20% increase in global copper demand by 2035, reaching 30 million m...

Will New Coronavirus Kill Global Economy and Humanity, Making Precious Metals Shine?

The World Health Organization has declared the coronavirus outbreak a global health emergency. What does it mean for the global economy and the gold market? Will Coronavirus Kill Us All? So it looks like not the recently feared nuclear war with the North Korea or Iran, ...

Is The Technology Sector Setting Up For A Crash? Part III

FANG stocks seem uniquely positioned for some extreme rotation over the next 6+ months. The continued capital shift that has taken place over the past 5+ years has driven investment and capital into the Technology sector – much like the DOT COM rally. The euphoric rally in t...

What Can Stop the Stock Bull – Or At Least, Make It Pause?

Stocks are entering the holiday-shortened week on a strong note. There was no selloff on Friday, as has been the case three preceding weeks in a row. This weekend, there were no spooky coronavirus headlines. Stocks finished on Friday close to their yearly highs, and the beat g...
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