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Rising in COVID Times: A True Nevada Cannabis Success Story

(Oasis Cannabis Dispensary. Las Vegas, NV. Image via CLS Holdings.) Nevada’s cannabis industry is booming. Deemed an essential service in response to the COVID-19 pandemic, companies operating in this marketplace have seen impressive growth this ye...

BioHarvest Sciences – Growing Exponentially

BioHarvest Sciences (CSNX: BHSC) is a rising star in the food, nutraceutical and cannabis industries. Through its intellectual property, it has developed a shortcut that could lead to cost savings and larger gross margins for its partners and future clients as well as a ...

Buzz on the Bullboards: Market rebound in 2024?

The end of the year is fast approaching but that doesn’t mean the markets have slowed down as the holidays quickly approach. Over the past five-day period, the S&P/TSX Composite has increased by 23 points to 20,862.86, while the S&P/TSX Venture Composi...

GlucoTrack: Company Addresses the Diabetes Testing and Monitoring Conundrum

GlucoTrack ( NDAQ:GCTK ) is an American medical device company focused on design, development and commercialization. The company is developing proprietary painless and non-invasive blood glucose monitoring devices for both Type 2 diabetes and prediabetes, a market almost ...

Cannabis tester FluroTech is a market disruptor

The legalization of cannabis in Canada - only the second country after Uruguay to do so - presents a huge business opportunity here and elsewhere. The global cannabis market is expected to hit $146 billion by the end of 2025. Most of the action is expected to be centered in ...

FluroTech provides Licensed Producer’s rapid and effective inhouse cannabis testing

Imagine walking into your local liquor store to pick up a bottle of wine. You have a few favorite varietals in mind, but you don’t trust the alcohol percentages you see on the labels. Last week you bought a Cabernet-Sauvignon from Chile, supposedly 14% alcoho...

ICAN Leverages Leading California Brand with Expansion into Nevada, ...

ICAN Leverages Leading California Brand with Expansion into Nevada, Introduces State-of-the-Art Pre-Roll Machine, for Aggressive Near-Term Growth A recent acquisition is helping this company to expand its brand. If a customer at any of the popular recreational ...

Liberty Gold Hits Financing Jackpot

Liberty Gold Corp. (LGD:TSX; LGDTF:OTCQB) is one of those companies whose future is pretty easy to see. It's part of the stable of Mark O'Dea who sold Long Canyon to Newmont for $2.3 billion at the top of the last cycle. After the sale of Fronteer to Newmont, the n...

Global Central Banks Move To Keep The Party Rolling Onward – Part I

The recent news that the US Fed, China and many of the global central banks are continuing to make efforts to lower rates and spark further consumer spending and economic activity is reminiscent of the late 2010~2013 global economic recovery efforts. This was a time when the e...

ES Must Hold Above 2800 Or The Selling Will Intensify

First off, we were so happy to hear from all of our followers over the weekend and early today regarding their support for our incredible market predictions – specifically the call about the August 19 th breakdown prediction. We stuck to our guns believing in our predictive m...
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