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Buzz on the Bullboards: A meeting that could not have been an email

Stocks closed out the first month of 2023 no worse for wear after getting pummeled last year. A sign of better things on the horizon? Last month, indexes on Bay Street and Wall Street rose, with...

Is Lululemon a buy, sell or hold?

Lululemon Athletica Inc. (NDAQ: LULU) has seen a recent dip in its share price, declining to its lowest level in four years one day before the company’s 2024 Summer Olympic apparel debuted on Team Canada athletes in the opening ceremonies of Paris 2024...

Gold and the Political Theater: Is The Tail Wagging the Dog?

As the old saying goes, politics is a show business for ugly people. Fair enough, but what does it have to do with gold? Let’s jump right in and find out! There Is No Trade War Economic reports are rarely fun. But when we read the latest US trade ...

Buzz on the Bullboards: Who’s Who in the Business of COVID

(Stock photo.) It’s another week of the COVID-19 pandemic, which means another week where we see the healthcare sector continue to dominate investor attention … and for good reason. Small-cap investors are always on the lookout for the most curre...

Silver: The HARD Look

In this week's commentary, I am going to respond to the rash of end-of-the-world emails and terror-stricken texts that bombarded me after the BLS reported a better-than-expected Non-Farm Payrolls number Friday that sent stocks screaming higher and the precious metals in...

Coronavirus Strikes Back. But Force Is Strong With Gold

We all fear the second wave of infections. But the U.S. hasn’t even controlled the first one! Bad news for Americans, but good news for gold. Please take a look at the chart below. As you can see, the epidemiological situation in the United States d...

What Investors Need to Know About This Digital Agency Specializing in uNFTs and the Metaverse

Non-fungible tokens (NFTs) have been all the rage in 2021. If you’re not sure what they are, an NFT is a “one-of-a-kind” digital asset that is bought and sold like other pieces of property. Vancouver-based Looking Glass Labs Ltd. (...

Is This What Falling Through the Floor Looks Like in Stocks?

While last week brought us higher stock prices, Thursday and Friday were bad days for the bulls. And little wonder, as the technical deterioration continues to play out. Looking at both the closing prices on Friday and today’s premarket action, how close to the...

When People Riot, Should We Call Military or Gold?

Could 2020 end, please? The pandemic is not over and the US suffers now from mass riots across the country. They could aggravate the coronavirus crisis and increase the demand for gold. On May 26, a black man, George Floyd, was killed by the police in Minneapolis, Minneso...

Next-generation augmented reality wayfinding for the real-world metaverse

Hello and welcome to The Market Herald, I’m Daniella Atkinson, and this is The Topline. ARWay Corporation is engaged in developing and operating the ARway mobile app. ARWay is an all-in-one, no-code, real-world Metaverse creation tool with self-generat...
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