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50,000 meters of drilling leading to a Maiden Resource for silver project

Kootenay Silver Inc. (V.KTN) is a Canadian and Mexican based silver exploration company actively engaged in the development of several major silver projects in Mexico. Lyndsay Malchuk with Stockhouse Publishing recently sat down with President and CEO, James McDonald to...

Why your eyes should be on this oil & gas company in 2025

AKITA Drilling Ltd (TSX:AKT.A) has a high performance drilling rig fleet headquartered in Calgary, Alberta with operations in Western Canada and in the Permian Basin. Stockhouse’s Lyndsay Malchuk sat down with CEO, Colin Dease and CFO, Darcy Reynolds fro...

AI’s Rapid Disruption—Is Bitcoin the Safe Haven?

AI’s Market Shake-Up and Bitcoin’s Response: The Ripple Effect of Disruption In this video, Adam O’Brien, Founder and CEO of Bitcoin Well. Inc (TSX.V:BTCW) sits with Lyndsay from Stockhouse Publishing to talk about h...

Positive progress towards a Feasibility Study on Australian gold project

Vista Gold Corp. (TSX:VGZ; NYSE-A:VGZ) holds the Mount Todd Gold Project, a ready to build development stage gold deposit, located in the tier one jurisdiction of Northern Territory in Australia. The Market online recently sat down with Fred Earnest, CEO of Vista Gold. ...

Cizzle Brands, Changing Consumer Habits in Consumables

Cizzle Brands Corporation (N: CZZL) is an emerging leader in the health & wellness industry. Their mission is to replace all of the unhealthy, sugary and fattening foods and fill our cupboards with healthy, nutritious alternatives. Here to dive into the world of he...

Global Tungsten Market and Supply Security

Almonty Industries Inc.(TSX:AII) , a company who specializes in acquiring and optimizing distressed and underperforming tungsten operations and assets. Lyndsay Malchuk, with the Market Online, recently had the pleasure to sit down with President and CEO Lewis Black. ...

NervGen Pharma: Proof that NVG-291 works?

It’s arguably a Eureka moment for investors in NervGen Pharma (TSX.V: NGEN) (OTCQB: NGENF). Tantalizing anecdotal “evidence” has just been published that suggests that NervGen’s prospective wonder-drug — NVG-29...

Bitcoin and Copper: A Surprising Connection

As Bitcoin continues to gain traction, an unexpected link to copper is becoming increasingly evident. As Bitcoin’s growth accelerates, so does the demand for copper. Projections indicate a 20% increase in global copper demand by 2035, reaching 30 million m...

Drilling underway at a large copper-moly porphyry target in Peru

Western Metallica Resources Corp. (TSXV:WMS ), a mineral exploration company headquartered in Toronto, Ontario, with five mineral assets across Peru and Spain has drilling underway in Peru. The Market Online recently sat down with CEO, Gregory Duras. The following i...

Advancing flagship Ishkõday Gold Project in Ontario

LAURION Mineral Exploration (TSXV:LME) . A Canadian junior mining company focused on the exploration and development of its flagship Ishkõday gold project. Located 220 km northeast of Thunder Bay, Ontario. The Market Online recently sat down with President and CEO, Cynth...
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