Rock Gold - Great Progress @ GBG

.............da Rock issa GBG fan..................

............anna youse would be too...........afta knowin' 2 mines comin' onna line dis year.....

...........yas.........da Rock understands.........GBG bin bad ta yas previously...............

..........anna yes........dats par fo' da course.........when yas still cash flow.....

.........Bottom flow positive dis year!!!

Just da way I see dat!

PS:  South African nationalism.........only affects practical effect onna production


Great Basin's two developing gold mines making good progress

Great Basin Gold, which is developing the Hollister gold mine in Nevada and the Burnstone mine in South Africa is making progress in bringing both to production.

Author: Geoff Candy
Posted:  Thursday , 25 Feb 2010


Great Basin Gold, which is currently bringing two gold mines to production, announced a loss of C
.03 per share for the fourth quarter of 2009, an improvement on the C
.05 per share loss it reported in the third quarter. 

The group which is currently developing the Burnstone project in South Africa and the Hollister project in Nevada, also announced a reduced net loss for the year from C
.40 per share in 2008 to C
.16 in 2009.  

Speaking on a conference call to investors on Thursday, CFO, Lou Van Vuuren, said the improvement was "partly due to the development cost of Burnstone being capitalized since November 2008 and more pleasing is the positive result of the cost reduction programme initiated in October 2008 -  this programme resulted in a decreased expenditure for exploration predevelopment as well as administration." 

The group currently has C$92m in working capital of which C$89m is in cash or cash equivalents.  

The group says it is happy with the progress made at the group's two projects, Hollister and Burnstone, although the number of gold equivalent ounces (GEO) extracted at Hollister came in lower than expected, largely due to a two week suspension of trial mining to examine the causes of an accident in November.  Efforts at the recently purchased Esmeralda mill, which is already processing Hollister ore, are being made to further improve gold recoveries, currently 83%,  now the initial refurbishing and commissioning phase is complete.

According to CEO Ferdi Dippenaar, "The number of gold equivalent ounces extracted through trial mining from our Hollister Mine project in the December quarter was somewhat lower than planned due to several factors; however I am pleased to report that the pace has picked up significantly in early 2010." 

According to the group, cash costs at Hollister were US$423 per ton, up 12% on the year ago figure but, were higher than forecast as a result of the lower-than-planned tonnage.  

During the quarter a total of 16,785 tons of ore containing 20,660 GEO were mined , a 15% improvement over the third quarter of 2009. 

Burnstone, which Mineweb got the chance to visit recently, is also progressing well according to Dippenaar who says "Burnstone, in particular, is entering an extremely exciting phase of its development, with vertical shaft, mills and metallurgical plant converging on completion over the next several months." 

According to the group, at the end of 2009 2,528 m of decline development had been completed and a total of 880 m of on-reef development was completed during the quarter.

"The initial long hole stoping trials have delivered positive results thus far, and the company plans to implement this higher level of mechanized mining on a trial basis over a period of 9 to 12 months before final evaluation.

It adds, "The current focus is the establishment of more mining stopes in Block B, with activities in Block C mainly focused on reef development. At December 31, 2009, in excess of 60,000 tons have been accumulated in ore stockpiles."

Iffa yas wants ta sees ma Rock Pick$ .............see dis:


da Rock uses dese charts ta keep tabs ..........onna subjects o' interest ta moi. 
    Ma interests incl:
                A.   Gold/Silver Trends
                B.   Commodities & Metals
                C.   Miners......wit possible big gains
    Note: sum o' dese charts ta do wit ratios; report yestaday's numbers;

               da stock ones are up ta date!
    *********** comments 'ere issa only fo' infotainment reasons *************
    ************************* Not financial advice ***********************


A. Gold/Silver Trends 

Platinum Price - 48 hrs:
Updated when ya sees dis
Live 24 hours platinum chart [Kitco Inc.]
Kitco Gold – 48 hrs:

Updated when ya sees dis

Live 24 hour Gold Chart

Kitco Silver - 48 hours

Updated when ya sees dis 

Kitco Gold Index
- compared ta a basket non-USD currencies 

Kitco Gold vs World Currencies

Price Daily 
$GOLD (Daily)

Gold - Weekly
 $GOLD (Weekly)      
- usin' dis ta checks fo' Volume
 GLD (Daily)           

HUI - Gold Bugs Index
- Popular 15 unhedged Gold Miners
$HUI (Daily)

Gold Stock ETF:
- 34 Gold/Silver MinersGDX (Daily)
HUI:Gold Ratio
- Gold Stocks leads Gold inna Bull Run$HUI:$GOLD (Daily)

XAU:Gold Ratio

$XAU:$GOLD (Daily)
- longer view
$XAU:$GOLD (Weekly)
GDM Bullish Percent Indicator:
- Trend indicator fo Gold Miners

$BPGDM (Daily)   

GDM Bullish
- longer term view

$BPGDM (Weekly)
Gold Corp - Big Gold:
 - Unhedged anna inna Cannuckland
G.TO (Daily)
*  Dis issa ma own proprietary thoughts are
       dis guy issa fully priced...........Glamourous but expensive........
        ..........Monies movin's ta Mids anna Juniors...........

Gold vs S&P 500:
- to be in Gold or Stocks
$GOLD:$SPX (Daily)

S&P 500 Index
- 500 Large Cap Universe inna USA
$SPX (Daily)

S&P500 Showin's da bottoming Head & Shoulders
  $SPX (Weekly)

Wiltshire 5000 
Broad measure o' da Market
$WLSH (Daily)

 New York % Bullish
- da sentiment onna da Big Board
$BPNYA (Daily)
TSX Composite
- Da Canuckland index 
$TSX (Daily)           

==========================================================B.  Commodities & Metals
CDNX Venture

- Proxy fo' ma Junior Golds/Metals

$CDNX (Daily)
CDNX versus Gold Ratio
- Da valuation o' Juniors...needs ta move up ta 3

$CDNX:$GOLD (Daily)

CDNX versus Gold Ratio
'Nother secret ....seems like National Enquirer....
........Juniors gots long ways ta go up!!!
* tanks ta Hommelberg....   

Venture New Highs/Lows
- Sentiments
$CDHL (Daily)

- Sentiments Weekly...    
$CDHL (Weekly)                

Continuous Commodities Index

- 19 key commodities
$CCI (Daily)

* Commodities issa da major theme fo' next 3 years

Continuous Commodities Index
- longer trend view
    $CCI (Weekly)


Silver ETF:
-  Silver follows Gold; wit bigger gains
SLV (Daily)          

Silver Price Daily:
    $SILVER (Daily)    


Silver Price Monthly:  

$SILVER (Weekly)

Gold/Silver Ratio   
    * Silver shoulda start movin's North
      .............dat is downwards inna da ratio
 $GOLD:$SILVER (Weekly)   

     $GOLD:$SILVER (Weekly)   

US Dollar:

$USD (Daily)

  US Dollar:
    - Longer View
 $USD (Weekly)           
 Euro Index

$XEU (Daily)

 $WTIC (Daily)             
Oil Bullish Indicator:
$BPENER (Daily)     
Natural Gas

$NATGAS (Daily)

Ratio Oil/Natural Gas
   $WTIC:$NATGAS (Weekly)            
Coal ETF
KOL (Daily)

Doctor Copper:
    - Da Dr.  leads anna predicts da economy usually
$COPPER (Daily)

- Longer View
 $COPPER (Weekly)

Steel Stocks vs NYSE
   - gives leadin' indicator o' economy
SLX:$DJW (Daily)
 Baltic Dry - Shippin' Rates
- indicator o' world trade
$BDI (Daily)
Volatility Index
  - Consolidatin' good
$VIX (Daily)
* Buy when volatility rises........    

Volatility Index
 - Longer View
$VIX (Weekly)                  


Miners; Juniors; Nano-caps

Cliffs Natural Resources
-  Iron Ore anna Coal miner
CLF (Daily)

HL - Hecla Mining
                - Undervalued Silver Miner 
HL (Daily)
    * Secret.......Green's got Gold  

SLW - Silver Wheaton
     - Silver royalties only; no
SLW (Daily)

*  SLW's got 21 employees only.............
*  All costs highly leveraged ta silver price

Dat's a wrap fo' now!