Top 10 Mining Stocks 2012 – Pick #2 Gold Reach Resources


Company: Gold Reach Resources
Symbol: GRV (TSX-V)
Share price:
.68 (Close on Feb 13, 2012)
Shares outstanding: 23,572,884 and 34,043,266 FD (At Jan 19, 2012)
Market cap: $16,029,561
Cash & Cash Equivalents: $56,285 (As of Sept 30, 2011) *

* Estimated to have $1million in cash from warrant and option expiry (See Below)


Gold Reach Resources – 1 Year Chart

We first uncovered Gold Reach Resources during a recent video lesson we shot for our members area that shows how investors can find area plays for big gains.

After the video, we dug a little deeper and found out they have two great properties 100% owned and one property has Gold Reach management knocking on their neighbours door to take them to production.


Ootsa Lake Property

The property is located 120 km northeast of Houston BC and only 8 km east of Imperial Metals (TSX: III) 50% owned open pit copper/molybdenum Huckleberry Mine that produces approximately 15,000 tonnes per day.

What’s exciting  is they are quickly proving up their property and in January 2012 announced an impressive 400% increase in copper, gold, molybdenum, and silver at the Seel deposit on the Ootsa property.

Some skeptics might argue that a 0.20% CuEq cut-off is too low, but...

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