Top Bullboards post:
“Tough day folks but the least likely hole hit. We still have Jag but more importantly the buy-out bait being the licenses. Based on the 150 M that Murphy just paid in Suriname for an area with no prior 3D seismic, I value our licenses at least 200M or .60 cents a share AT A MINIMUM. Combine that with a well that leads halfway to Eagle Deep that is worth 55 million and that takes this up to .75 cents. Whatever the take-over premium would be is anyone's guess but all we need is two suitors to cause a bidding war.” From MISFIT1 on the CGX Energy (TSX: V.OYL, Stock Forum) board.
Top Bullboard:
CGX Energy (TSX: V.OYL, Stock Forum) received the most reads and the third-most posts on a day its stock price sank 70%.
Top blog:
LexLuthor2 believes this gold junior is worth a gamble in the Lex Corp News Letter blog.