>> Another sleeper stock >>

Orex Exploration Inc (OX.V)  @ .115

For this stock to be at .115 is insane when you consider what's in their recently released 43-101.

"At a 1.5 g/t gold cut-off are 2,711,000 tonnes grading 4.56 g/t gold,totaling 397,200 gold ounces in the Measured + Indicated Resourcescategories, with an additional 3,438,000 tonnes grading 3.67 g/t goldtotaling 405,926 gold ounces in the Inferred Resource category."

It's just my opinion I know, but the main difference I find between a company like Evolving Gold & Orex Exploration is not the gold itself. Orex has the goods the 43-101 clearly states that. The difference is simply two things.

- In the second paragraph of Evolving Gold's mid July press release they said they had $16 million in cash, they said that even before they announced their findings. Why do that? Because it's the obvious next question investors will ask, HOW MUCH CASH DO YOU HAVE? EVG made that abundantly clear right upfront.

- Secondly, Evolving Gold is a media machine, regular press releases, emails to investors .. they make a huge effort in keeping the investor informed and keeping the company name out there. All the juniors could learn a few things about branding their name from Evolving Gold.

With the fall coming and the price of gold expected to go higher against the falling US dollar, the mining sector is expected to really heat up. We have seen several juniors zoom over a dollar from virtually nowhere this summer.

With the goods that Orex now have in hand with their strong 43-101 and more drilling to come, they will surpass 1 million oz of gold with terrific grades as evidenced in their new 43-101 this week ( and that didn't even allow for the nugget effect found on the property).

All Orex has to do now is make a financing announcement. Mark Billings, their President & CEO has a finance background, so now it's very much in his domain. He may have a financing lined up already, no one knows that for sure just yet, but that is the missing piece of this "sleeper stock story". 

Orex is not a day trader's stock, it's a terrific Canadian story stock! People with a sense of what Orex really has will take their position and await the financing news announcement. There is certainly a lot less risk now when one looks at that 43-101 press release.  

Here's the Orex News Release from this week. As always due your own due diligence.

Best Always, 

Mike Perras
Canadian Stock Alerts


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