In a recent, previous four-part series; I described in detail the “ economic rape” of Europe, via the fraudulent manipulation of its debt markets by Wall Street’s economic terrorists. To date, the primary weapon-of-choice for these terrorists are credit default swaps.

What is critically important as we watch the debt markets of Europe destroyed one-by-one is precisely that: this method of destroying these nations’ debt markets must currently be conducted individually, since they each have their own separate debt market. Apparently the Wall Street terrorists consider this to be too much work, as a few months ago they came up with a “better idea”: the Euro Bond.

The principal here is very simple. If European nations merge their debt markets in this manner, then what Wall Street has done first to Greece, and then Ireland, Portugal, Spain, Italy, and now France; will be done to all Euro nations simultaneously – including Germany. For those who still don’t understand this process, the mechanics are equally simple.

Through fraudulently manipulating the prices of credit default swaps – ‘pretend insurance’ which is fraudulent even on its surface – the Wall Street terrorists can manipulate a nation’s interest rates up (or down) to whatever number they choose. Why do I insist on calling this fraud “economic terrorism”? It is all plain arithmetic.

The wealthiest nation on Earth could have a “national debt” of $1, however at an interest rate of “infinity” that nation would be instantly bankrupted. At one time, critics of my position might have been able to argue that this was hyperbole and/or hypothetical. They can do so no longer – not when the proverbial “smoking gun” is staring us in the face...

Read the rest:

The Battle of the Euro Bond