I've been following TYP for quite a long time now, and have started accumulating a position over the past few months.  Investors are not drawn to this quiet stock at the moment, as they're off chasing the latest pump and dump's, pot stocks, lithium promo's, etc.

To be sure, TYP is a high quality advanced exploation play with Two advanced projects in JV with a major mining company, and several other promosing projects, all located in the Abitibi gold mining region.

The Fayolle project is their flagship, and looking back to early drill results (2009) one will notice eye popping numbers such as 25 meters @ 25g/t Au, 13.4M @ 9 g/t, 7.6M @ 13g/t, etc.  

In 2010 the company signed a $27 MILLION Joint Venture with Hecla Mining, which was followed by a $4 million PP @ 0.82/share, in which Hecla participated.  

The Hecla jv went on to produce spectacular exploration and drilling results, including 6.5M @ 112g/t Gold!  Following these exciting results, Hecla/Typhoon added a third rig and initiated a 50,000m drill program in 2011  This led to even more high grade discoveries, along trend and at depth... which led to adding a 4th drill rig to the program.

To date over $20 million has been spent on Fayolle and Hecla has become a 50% owner and operator of the project.

Taking a look at the 10 year chart, one will see the stock was a darling in 2010-2011 while news was flowing on Fayolle. 

The company has been extremely quiet on the news front, and investors have gone looking elsewhere, however the project is still alive and active.... I suspect we'll be hearing something or other soon enough with regards to the next steps for Fayolle and it's jv partner Hecla.

At a market cap of less than $3 million, this is a steal folks.