The key becomes to conduct research in Chinese, Spanish, German, etc + then use language conversion tools such as google, to get a better understanding as to what market sentiment, political risk, or whatever one can expect in the mid term future. Just as an example I found this old article from 2005. Use it in whatever fashion you like to.
Public letter to President Hugo Chavez. Case: Mining. CVG, Cristallex and Mineros
Inhabitants of the south of the Edo. Bolivar -
08/09/05 -
President of the Hugo Chavez Republic You cold Minister of the MIBAM and President of CVG Victor Alvarez National coordinator of the Piar Mission
The Venezuelan State, in this case represented by CVG, must terminate immediately, the contract of operation and operation of the auriferous deposits "the Cristinas", located in the Parish San Isidro, of the Municipality Sifontes, State Bolivar to the Mining Transnational company Crystallex for economic, political and social reasons:
1. It has systematically failed to fulfill the contract and cronogram of operativity subscribed with the CVG for operation of the auriferous deposits of the Cristinas. The company I dedicate myself to play in the Stock markets with the patrimony of the Venezuelans. It has overcome its time, does not prorogue more for Crystallex.
2. The Company to not described to obtain the environmental permissions
3. The company recognizes not to have economic resources, nor technicians to develop the project.
4. A town mounted in gold Filo'n, sunk in the most frightful misery and abandonment. The company has not generated the uses that were committed to create and the few workers who have them have been getting worse the conditions of work. What if has unfolded it is a great repressive capacity to deny the right to the work of the small miners that in the contract was committed to respect the mines that traditionally came exploding and to offer technical attendance them.
5. Call to the President: serve definitively to the corrupt National Guard and sells mother country that now has its guarida in Crystallex and thence forge the next coup d'etat.
6. The town has received "special disadvantages", the company have not generated social welfare, all the opposite, it has not fulfilled the obligations that to him the contract referred to the Special Advantages of investment, support and support for the social development imposes. Anyone can perceive the state of abandonment and the nonexistence of services public.
7. Socialism of Century XXI: the small miners we took control of the speech of President Chávez and we accompanied to him in the political project - social to construct the replaced socialism in to the Neoliberal thought, that promotes Imperialism, it is for that reason that we do not understand the reinforcement and governmental support that the transnational companies in the mining sector of the State have Bolivar. President does emporio national miner and who all the gold that we have is used for the great Company of Social Production, that allows to construct the dream of a worthy mother country. Here he has his town to help it. Escúchelo.
Carta pública al Presidente Hugo Chávez. Caso: Minería. CVG, Cristallex y Mineros
Habitantes del sur del Edo. Bolívar -
08/09/05 -
Presidente de la Republica Hugo Chávez Frías Ministro del MIBAM y Presidente de CVG Víctor Álvarez Coordinador Nacional de la Misión Piar
El Estado Venezolano, en este caso representado por CVG, debe rescindir inmediatamente, el contrato de operación y explotación de los yacimientos auríferos "Las Cristinas", ubicados en la Parroquia San Isidro , del Municipio Sifontes, Estado Bolívar a la Transnacional Minera Crystallex por razones económicas, políticas y sociales:
1. Ha incumplido sistemáticamente el contrato y cronograma de operatividad suscrito con la CVG para explotación de los yacimientos auríferos de Las Cristinas. La empresa se dedico a jugar en la Bolsas de Valores con el patrimonio de los venezolanos. Tiene vencido su tiempo, no más prorroga para Crystallex.
2. La Empresa no a calificado para obtener los permisos ambientales
3. La empresa reconoce no tener recursos económicos, ni técnicos para desarrollar el proyecto.
4. Un pueblo montado en un filón de oro, sumido en la más espantosa miseria y abandono. La empresa no ha generado los empleos que se comprometió a crear y los pocos trabajadores que tiene les ha ido desmejorando las condiciones de trabajo. Lo que si ha desplegado es una gran capacidad represiva para negar el derecho al trabajo de los pequeños mineros que en el contrato se comprometió a respetar las minas que tradicionalmente venían explotando y brindarles asistencia técnica.
5. Llamado al Presidente: saque definitivamente a la Guardia Nacional corrupta y vende patria que ahora tiene su guarida en Crystallex y desde allí fraguan el próximo golpe de Estado.
6. El pueblo ha recibido "desventajas especiales", la empresa no han generado bienestar social, todo lo contrario, no ha cumplido con las obligaciones que le impone el contrato referido a las Ventajas Especiales de inversión, apoyo y acompañamiento para el desarrollo social. Cualquiera puede percibir el estado de abandono y la inexistencia de servicios públicos.
7. Socialismo del Siglo XXI: los pequeños mineros nos apropiamos del discurso del Presidente Chávez y le acompañamos en el proyecto político – social de construir el socialismo en repuesta al pensamiento Neoliberal, que promueve el Imperialismo, es por ello que no entendemos el afianzamiento y apoyo gubernamental que tienen las transnacionales en el sector minero del Estado Bolívar. Presidente haga un emporio minero nacional y que todo el oro que tenemos sirva para la gran Empresa de Producción Social, que permita construir el sueño de una patria digna. Aquí tiene a su pueblo para ayudarlo. Escúchelo.