Tooth decay is an extremely common issue that affects both children and adults. Even though some people are more prone to develop cavities, they can occur in everyone especially if a person doesn't maintain proper oral hygiene. In this article, we will tell you everything you should know about tooth decay.

What is tooth decay

Tooth decay, also known as caries and cavities, is a condition in which tooth enamel becomes thin and develops a hole. In the initial stages, a cavity can be small and asymptomatic. But when tooth decay progresses, it can affect the whole tooth. Timely treatment of cavities can help prevent severe complications like a dental abscess.

Symptoms of cavities

As mentioned above, caries can develop asymptomatically in the initial stages. You can only notice dark stains in the affected area. Over time, you can experience increased tooth sensitivity to hot or cold foods and drinks, cold air, sweets, or other factors.

When tooth decay reaches the inner layer of the tooth called the pulp, you can experience severe pain. The point is that the pulp contains blood vessels and nerve endings. When they become damaged, it can result in sharp pain. 

Cause of tooth decay

Many people think that sugar is the one and only cause of tooth decay. But the truth is that sugar can't make a hole in the tooth. The real cause of tooth decay is acids. These acids are produced by bacteria that inhabit your oral cavity.

It is important to understand that acids soften and wear out your tooth enamel that leads to the development of a cavity. You should know that bacteria feed on sugar and food particles that remain in your mouth. That's why it is essential to maintain proper oral hygiene. 

Treatment options

If you have tooth decay, it is extremely important to visit the dental office for treatment as soon as possible. Even though certain home remedies and painkillers can ease your toothache, they can't treat the cause of your symptoms. Only a dentist can cope with cavities and prevent the development of further complications.

If you have mild tooth decay, a dentist will remove the damaged part of the tooth and restore it with a dental filling. Tooth decay that has reached the pulp and the roots of the tooth can be treated during root canal procedure. 

In the case of severe tooth decay that has destroyed the big part of the tooth, you may need to get a dental crown to restore the tooth. But if the tooth is completely decayed, your dental specialist can recommend you to extract the damaged tooth and replace it with a dental implant.

Prevention of tooth decay

If you want to have healthy teeth, it is essential to maintain proper oral hygiene. You need to brush your teeth twice a day and use dental floss daily to remove plaque, food particles, and bacteria from your mouth. You can also use mouthwashes to keep your teeth clean.

Foods you eat also have a great impact on your oral health. That's why it is better to limit the consumption of sweet and acidic foods and drinks. You need to eat more fruits, vegetables, leafy greens, nuts, dairy products, and fatty fish. It is also beneficial to eat a small piece of dark chocolate since it can prevent the development of tooth decay. 

The bottom line

It is important to understand that untreated tooth decay can cause a lot of negative complications. Due to the fact that it is much easier to treat cavities in the initial stages, regular dental check-ups can help you avoid severe symptoms of complicated treatment.