List of Diseases Marijuana Treats  
1. ALS (Lou Gehrig’s Disease)
2. Alzheimer’s
3. Amyloidosis
4. Anorexia Nervosa / Appetite
5. Arthritis
6. Arthropathy
7. Asthma
9. Autism
10. Asperger’s
11. Auto –Immune Diseases
12. Bipolar disorder
13. Burns
14. Cancer – Effective against all cancer
a. Malignant Melanoma or any skin cancer
b. Prostate Cancer
c. Testicular Cancer
d. Adrenal Cortical Cancer
e. Brain Malignant Tumor
f. Lymphoma and Reticular Cancer
g. Leukemia
15. Chemotherapy Convales
16. Cystic Fibrosis
17. Depression
18. Diabetes Mellitus 
a. Diabetic Neuropathy
b. Diabetic Peripheral Vascular Disease
19. Delirium Tremens+
20. Dementia
21. Depression (Single Episode and Recurring)
22. Emphysema
23. Epilepsy
24. Eczema
25. Fibromyalgia (FM or FMS)
26. Glaucoma
27. Glioblastoma Mulitforme
28. Glioma
29. Gout
30. Hemopjilia A
31. Henoch-Schoelein Purphur
32. Hepatitis C
33. Herpes (genital)
34. High Blood Pressure
35. HIV
36. Huntington’s Disease
37. Hypoglycemia(s)
38. Incontinence
39. Insomnia
40. Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS)
41. Lipomatosis
42. Lyme Disease
43. Mania
44. Methicillin – Resistant Staphyococcus Aureus (MRSA) or STAPH INFECTIONS
45. Migraines
46. Mucopolysaccharidosis
47. Multiple Sclerosis
48. Nausea & Vomiting
49. Obesity (Exogenous and Morbid)
50. Osteoporosis
51. Pain Relief (Analgesia)
52. Parkinson’s Syndrome
53. Post-Polio Syndrome
54. Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD)
55. Pregnancy
56. Premenstrual Syndrome (PMS)
57. Pruritus
58. Psoriasis
59. Reiter’s Syndrome
60. Schizophrenia(s)
61. Schizoaffective Disorder
62. Shingles
63. Sickle Cell Disease
64. Spinal Cord Injuries
65. Tourette’s Syndrome

Within many of these diseases and disorders, Cannabis often targets several symptons at once!!!  Unlike most pharmaceuticals.

Think this is all of them?

Think again.