Most of you know how high I am on Hart Gold’s chances to be the next big thing in the Hemlo region. When analyzing these explorers you always have to be on top of your game taking in all new information that becomes available. I have mentioned Jiminex (JIM) briefly in the past being so close to Hemlo and their theory about their Northern Eagle Property 15km west of Hemlo. I have mentioned how most of Hemlo is (90%) below the 500 meter level, how Hemlo’s near surface mineralization is mostly to the West in orientation with the rest of the deposit, how Teck’s property 2.5 km to the west has Hemlo style near surface mineralization much like Hemlo. Teck has pulled some very good intervals, but has never issued an N43-101 for the property. For Teck’s internal purposes, they really don’t need to.
Now I know this is still a long shot, but JIM has identified some very prospective zones for deep drilling this winter on their Northern Eagle Property 50/50 JV with Beaufield (BFD). 

Beat the Market Stock Picks: 2 cracks at another Hemlo style deposit near Hemlo...