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Acutus Medical Inc AFIB

Acutus Medical, Inc. is focused on the production of left-heart access products under its distribution agreement with Medtronic, Inc. (Medtronic). The Company is solely focused on supporting the manufacturing and distribution of products to Medtronic. It manufactures transseptal crossing devices and associated accessories, such as integrated transseptal dilators and needles, fixed-curve or steerable introducers, and steerable sheaths (Products). These Products are used to access the left side, or left atrium, of the cardiac anatomy and are used in a range of medical applications, including in electrophysiology and structural heart procedures. The technology supports physicians during a critical component of an ablation or structural heart procedure. The transseptal crossing devices that it manufactures for Medtronic include versions that are length-, diameter- and tip-matched and designed to lock into the hub of sheaths used in many left-heart procedures.

OTCPK:AFIB - Post by User

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  • IseneschalX
Post by Iseneschalon Nov 03, 2022 10:51am
Post# 35069630

AFIB ....If it looks like a dog & it .....

AFIB ....If it looks like a dog & it .....barks like a dog.... It is a dog!

1st 10 mins were nothing but "Burn the Retail" Chasers 

Now sideways action....meh !

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