I've slithered nowhere.  Mind your tongue you jerk.
Here is what happened.  
VIC has cheated Apha shareholders of 2017-2018 profits.
Even if  10% of this is true it  is a stain that is going to cost Apha shareholders.
I LOVE APHRIA as a company and was long since $4.  I lost my shirt on this investment.  I got out at $8.20 and was looking to re-buy in lower (it's smart to get out of the way of freight train that was this short attack)
Then the deal was announced.  I was waiting on ALTRIA.  That is the money play.  Not waiting for and hoping for a deal.  If the price is right on APHA...I will re-buy.  All shareholders got screwd on this series of events.  You can bury your head and say...but we were $22 a share a month ago.  Apha is under $8 now.  Being long doesn't mean being stubborn.  It means evaluating the situation.
IF VIC gets fired and Apha brings in a new management team, I'll all in.  I won't stand around and have my life saving decimated by shorters so that some of you children can feel good that we are in this together.  I have many friends on this board who know me.  They know how much we've suffered.  IT IS NOT FAIR....the stockmarket is NOT FAIR...I have friends who are out 500K!  REAL MONEY.  This isn't a game.  Cronos RIGHT NOW has the wind to their back.  Apha is facing an Fing Hurricane.  I need to make back a ton of money that I lost.
Barry Honig has so much dirt on him.  WHY ARE WE DOING BUSINESS WITH HIM???  Why??  Was it neccessary?  IT wasn't.  It was stupid.  
I want nothing more than for APHA to be successful.  I have so many friends that are still stuck down a ton of money but holding strong.  I am with them.  I want Apha to be successful and cheer for them.  The first step is new leadership.  This leadership destroyed value by not addressing this IMMEDIATELY.  If you don't see that then you are the problem, not the shorters.  The shorters do what they do.  It is legal so deal with it.  You can't sit on your butt and wait for them to systematically destroy the financial lives of your investors like us.  
DON'T SHOOT THE MESSENGER!!!  YOUR ANGER SHOULD BE WITH THE MANAGEMENT TEAM WHO DIDN'T RESPECT YOU ENOUGH TO RESPOND EARLY AND OFTEN SO THAT YOU WOULDN'T LOSE 75% OF YOUR INVESTMENT.  If they had communicated even a little bit we could have taken our money out during this HURRICANE and waited on the sidelines.
Instead, NOTHING...1 week to answer a massive short is a Fing disaster.  ..the chaos that remains now is your reality.  Don't blame me for it.  I didn't tell you buy or sell.  Somebody with another handle told you to buy...it wasn't me.  Your issue is with him.  I had conversations with locals, I reported here.  I did DD and I reported here.  I spend my money and time and reported here.  Don't you dare suggest I had an agenda.  I lost on this.  Didn't make a dime.  This the single greatest financial disappointment I've ever had.  It wasn't the companies fault.  It was poor decision making on dealing with the attack.  It killed the stock.  Now we are in triage.  We won't be making any new highs in the next 3 months.  The market is hot again and Apha will miss that heat.  Second time that has happened.  Blame is at the management's feet here.  If you stay long and they change management this stock hits $30+ in a year.  I will be able to buy back double my amount of shares by jumping on the lead horse.  The USA is the most important domino here.  When that farm bill passes, Apha gets left out.  No multinational touches this with a ten foot pole until management changes.  
Good luck to you all...I'm not going anywhere though...if management changes I'm back in both feet.