Alberta will challenge and no longer  send Legault over $13 billion Dollars of Alberta citizens Wealth while Legault Sabotage National Pipelines and Sabotage Qubec Resources Development which would give the Quebec Govt between $3-- $4 Billion Dollars each year in New Taxes and Royalties-Stop the  Abuse of Equalization . 
The Quebec  Govt has stolen the investments of TSX Shareholders ($400 Million Dollars ) and destroyed Quebec Resources companies all in the name of your GREEN Religion. You do these things because Alberta keeps sending you over $13 Billion Dollars of FREE Money each year which will soon STOP.
          The  Corrupt Qubec Hydrocarbon Regulations make any Commercial development Impossibility of Performance . I have kept you informed, as well as you have the   200 Reports your Govt has completed showing these Regulations are against Science and against Best practices and result in Impossibility of Performance. The regulations are a Sham, A Fraud  and are designed  to STOP , full STOP  any Commercial hydrocarbon development in Qubec. Rene Lvesque would be disgusted and ashamed of what you are doing to destroy a Vital part of the Qubec Economic Engine  . It is a Disgrace how your Government is Stealing the hydrocarbon  permits.
              The Massive  CORRUPT Conflict of Interest by the Quebec Govt is full of Corruption in preventing local Quebec Natural Gas while at the same time it has become the Champion , the Active Sponsor Promoter and Financial backer of the Saguenay  LNG (Saguenay ) and Financial supporter of Gaz METRO in paying for their pipelines . As well as participating in joint ventures with Gaz METRO while preventing / Sabotaging Local Qubec Natural Gas development in which it was the Catalyst to bring these Companies to Qubec to explore and develop ( this is the very Definition of Treachery and Duplicitous ) The Quebec Govt has become the  Activists Group leader that daily demonizes local Quebec Natural Gas  while demanding Annual Rents . The Conflict of Interest is Clear in

(a) The Qubec Government has a “Fiduciary responsibility”, a duty of loyalty to the Industry it pleaded with  to Invest in Qubec  ( the Qubec Natural Gas and Oil companies ) it induced to Invest in Qubec and cannot act against these very groups who relied upon the Governments good promises  to Safely Invest in Qubec without a Breach of Fiduciary responsibility

(b) The Government of Quebec has a Major Conflict of Interest in advancing its support of Saguenay LNG while Sabotaging and preventing Local Qubec Natural Gas . The Government has provided special advantages to both Gaz Metro and Saguenay LNG which are in Collusion with the Government which  is wearing the different hats of administrator and Regulator and Rule maker yet is favoring the other side

(c) All of the information in the Public domain shows Clear  Bias and Malice from the Government towards local Quebec Natural Gas production while showing Full support to Saguenay LNG yet it was the very same Government that induced these Natural Gas /Light Oil  companies to Invest large amounts of Money in Exploration for local Qubec Natural Gas and Local  Light Oil

(d) Using FALSE Information which it knows to be False to Prevent the local Quebec Natural Gas companies knowing this is False Information supplied by Foreign Natural Gas competitors

( e ) Self -dealing in a situation whereby the Government knowingly has engaged in activities that it knows are detrimental to the very group it regulates and the very group it encouraged to Invest large amounts of Money thereby acting as a Double agent to Sabotage the local Quebec companies

(f )  If the shoe were on the other foot and it was seen that the actions of the Qubec Natural Gas /light Oil companies was breaching a Duty of Trust with Deceit  against the Qubec Govt the response would be Outrage  

(g) No one can now ever Trust the word of the QUEBEC 
Government when it is obvious it has a Vested Bias and Favored position with Competitors who have the support of the Qubec Government, the outcome is already  predetermined by Corruption  .

(h) Your Governments actions  giving a large Benefit to Saguenay LNG and Gaz Metro while actively being disloyal to the very companies you were Responsible in seeking  to Invest in Quebec Natural Gas /Oil development confirms your Government is not impartial but is acting with Bias and prejudice .
                                           Your Governments actions are Fraudulent Misrepresentation, the ongoing actions of the Qubec Government were lies which were used to deceive and trick the Qubec Natural Gas and Oil companies to Invest large amounts of Money in Qubec without any intent to allow Development and recapture our Investments
(a) Material Misrepresentation, your Govt has misrepresented to the Qubec Natural Gas and Oil companies the facts which are relevant which were relied upon which are not True

(b) False Premises, the statements from the Qubec Government are not True
(c) Reckless Disregard, The Qubec Govt has known for the past TEN  years its facts were untrue and continued to Force collection of Annual Rents while  preventing  development

(d) Intent to Induce , The Qubec Govt mislead the Qubec Natural Gas /Light Oil companies to Invest large amounts of Money on Exploration with the Assurances promises of development which we relied upon .

(e ) Reliance , The Qubec Natural Gas /Light Oil companies fully relied upon the direct promises and Regulations and Rules  of  the  Qubec Government when we made our Investments beginning in 2006 .

(f) Damages, we along with all the other Qubec Natural Gas and Oil companies have suffered large Financial Damages in Monies spent and loss of Future earnings as well as forced Rents for over 10 years

(g) Commercial Fraud

(h) Malfeasance and Misfeasance

(i) Ultra Vires acts
  1. Natural Gas is Not New to Qubec , please see St. Flavien Natural Gas Commercial development (over 45 years ago )  which operated in Quebec Commercially for many years ( no issues ,  no concerns or no problems )
The Quebec Govt is the SPONSOR  the LNG Saguenay Project ( behind the scenes in a Open and Covert manner with promises of Equity and loans and Govt support )   and also the promoter  of Saguenay LNG which has a Substantial Commitment   from the Government of Quebec directly in paying  for the pipelines , the Cassie in providing both loans and Equity as well as Investment Qubec for the Saguenay  LNG
  1.  How does the Government of Quebec Sabotage local Quebec Natural Gas  while acting as the Regulator and Administrator /Government authority  while SPONSORING Supporting and Promoting a Competitor in which it ( The Govt of Quebec is a Major Actor/ player and backer )  thereby killing local Quebec Natural Gas development and production. ****This is the Classic definition of a “CORRUPT Conflict of Interest “  in which the Quebec Govt . was solely responsible for these Natural Gas /Oil Companies   to Invest in Hydrocarbon exploration in Qubec and now THE QUEBEC GOVT is actively Sabotaging their very existence. The Massive Corruption and Conflict of Interest in the Qubec Government is ongoing, Corrupt and  pervasive
Over the  past 12 years after  over 200 Government of Qubec Reports, meetings, hearings, Commissions, etc trying to move forward (after making Big discoveries all over Qubec and the Gaspe Basin )   all the Natural Gas and Oil  companies  have seen  is Sabotaging and Malfeasance and Ultra Vires acts  from the Qubec Government .
This is our 12th Year it amounts to Impossibility of Performance. The LARGE Commercial discoveries of Bourque at 1Tcf ,  Questerre at over 2Tcf , the Suncor /Mundiregina at over 1Tcf , the Junex at  GALT ( just beginning ) see world class Conventional  SQUATEX and PETROLYMPIC  , see world Class Mundiregina Resources at the Champlain  Conventional in Gaspe  , ( all World Class )  etc --all have been Sabotaged   by the Quebec Govt acting in Bad Faith with Malice and Malfeasance and Commercial Fraud . See the Sabotage of the Lac St.Jean permits by Couillard
The Quebec Governments actions are "Retroactive State Expropriation without Compensation " what you see in Venezuela, your Government has stolen our Money and stolen the shareholders Money/Investments of TSX Public shareholders.
  1. ****These New Regulations were designed to SABOTAGE  and Stop all   Commercial Hydrocarbon development to pander to the Green Votes , such as Impossibility of Performance regulations imposed in a Retroactive manner which amounts to Retroactive Expropriation without Compensation.