The flippers will keep flipping this for cents; Good I'm happy for them. But if you still dont understand the possible gift on offer or are one of the proactive investors who want to feel good about the fruitfulness of the GOR>TABU deal then feel free to read below. 


Part 1: The Math

All i can say is as of now there are ONLY 23.42 million outstanding shares (undiluted) and depending on closure of PP, if needed, a maximum possible of 40 million outstanding shares (fully diluted).

That presents us with a Market Capitalization with a range of ONLY $4.684 to 8 million from these current levels of 0.20c per share. 

To cement the fact that i didnt use the bold effect ONLY as what may constitute a crude "pump" I want to use an exampte for a comparison of the math here: Matica Enterprises Inc (CNSX:MMJ). Trust that the only reason I use it is to point out a disparity in valuation and not to bash MMJ. 

The broad fundamental on that stock (a 10000 sq ft facility) has led to a market cap of $87.9 million at 228.31 outstanding shares (undiluted) at current levels of 0.385c per share down from highs of 0.80 per share

If we are to assume TABU too has this a tiny 10000 sq ft fundamental to play with then post halt for change of business we would be safely in region of 0.60 to 0.80 cents per share (assuming same outstanding shares).

Alas that is not the case and TABU has exceptional fundamentals as mentioned below in Part 2.

Part 2: The Fundamentals

Section A: Announced Projects and Catalysts

(i) Spliffin Canada 

Spliffin is a private California company that produces its premium line of strains, flowers, vaporizers and hardware and there revenues last year alone exceeded US$ 20 million. This is TABU's pet project as they mention: 

"SPLIFFIN has become an icon in Los Angeles. With sales increasing to well over $20,000,000 USD last year, the company has agreed to enter into an agreement with Tabu to launch SPLIFFIN CANADA. All of the branded products developed in California will be manufactured in Canada. SPLIFFIN is known as the APPLE of cannabis, with its keen eye for design and aesthetics, along with a high level of quality. All SPLIFFIN products should be considered premium just as the branding represents. No expense was spared, art meets science when it comes to the SPLIFFIN line. The company has developed a full compliment of oils and pens, specifically designed for the needs of patients. SPLIFFIN CANADA will launch with its own state of the art lab and grow facility in order to offer its full product line for this market and for export world wide. SPLIFFIN USA will also provide 75% of all financing required, for the construction of a grow facility in Canada, including financing for subsequent expansion over several years. This will be Tabu’s core project, adding tremendous value to Tabu as well as a quality supply of products to the company’s lab and partners."

Expected share price upon successful execution of Spliffin: .80c to $1 

Source: and

(ii) 70,000 sq ft facility

TABU will be acquiring a 24 acre property to build a 70,000 sq ft grow facility that is currently producing organic blueberries and already making $800k in revenue. The blueberry farm will co-exist with the grow facility courtesy of cutting edge construction design by NextG3n greenhouse

This MAJOR catalyst will take us to a range : 1$ to $1.70 

Source (spec): and

(iii) Octavia Brewery| Planter's Guide | Track UR Staff

a) Octavia Brewery: This deal can be described in 2 words only; Cannabis and Vodka! An interesting and potentially 'hit' formula. Also Octavia does have an import and export license as well. Watch out Tinley!

b) Planters Guide: Envisioned to be the Buzzfeed of Marijuana, an online media information source with 
It’s primary revenue stream coming from memberships, which entitles each member to curated advertorial features shared across Planters Guide social platforms. It also includes dedicated permanent listings on the site as well as custom video “commercials” and streaming media.

Secondary revenue streams will come from curated, custom native advertising, pay per click promotions and branded merchandise. Tabu will take advantage of these services for all of its brands and services, utilizing cross promotional strategies and partnerships.

c) Track UR Staff: Trackurstaff provides transparency into the status of the team’s work. You can finally feel peace of mind knowing where everything stands. And cutback the amount of time you spend preparing executive updates with everything already tracked for you in Trackurstaff.
With web app and extensions for 10+ platforms, your tasks are always there: web browsers, inboxes, and more. They create a task, and the program automatically tracks time and screenshots for this task. This information is then securely saved for you to see in real time. No spying and finally your employees are in control.
Tabu and are working together to develop these services and technologies for all industries including the cannabis space. Specifically, the company will be developing systems for both the grower and regulators to monitor and track the process from start to finish, ensuring that all parties remain compliant throughout the entire process.

This TRIFECTA of fundamental catalysts will take us from $1.70 to $2.20

Source: and

Section B: The Management

For any valuation to turn from speculation to reality the company's management has to be in competent hands. A seasoned leadership that will exceed expectations of shareholders and thats the first and most important thing I look for before investing in any stock. Below are key management personnel and their highlights.

(i) Warren Wayne - Founder of TABU

Mr. Wayne’s professional career began in the mid 1980s in the motion picture industry, after relocating to Vancouver to work in the film industry. His entrepreneurial career began in the late 80’s when he co-founded Cyberflex Films, the only optical film effects and animatronics company in Western Canada. The company specialized in on screen special effects and designed animatronics and motion control effects for feature films, commercials and television. Cyberflex completed work for clients such as Much Music, Air Canada and Ikea. By the early 1990s Mr. Wayne had moved into film production where he worked full time for 15 years.
Warren’s clients include 20TH Century Fox, HBO, ABC Television and Paramount Pictures. In 2000 Mr. Wayne established Voyager Films and the company went public as part of a consolidation. Warren was president of the company’s music label Street Solid Records in Los Angeles as well as project development and foreign sales President. The company’s music division was very successful and as part of the company’s over-all strategy, was sold to investors two years later. The company also developed streaming technology, used by International film distributors as well as Sports Illustrated and was one of the first streaming companies in North America dedicated to pay-per- view distribution. The division was later sold to former partners from MSG Entertainment in New York.
Mr. Wayne parlayed his experiences in finance and corporate development to include work in oil and gas in Texas, as well as developing streaming technology for the film industry. He has arranged funding for several projects including a $30,000,000 funding for a U.S based utility. Mr. Wayne developed early stage companies such as WULU, Mombasa Coffee’s and Tana Goldfields. Other projects such as mining company Blue Cap, traded on the Frankfurt Exchange in Germany and Endeavour Oil and Gas. Mr. Wayne is also the co-founder of Maverick, a Canadian company currently completing an acquisition of Nutrilife, a Canadian agricultural company. The company is slated to IPO by July of 2017 and has completed its first round of financing. Mr. Wayne has also traveled throughout much of the world including the Kalahari Desert in Africa and the jungles of Borneo. Warren was the first Canadian in history to land on Bouvet Island in the Antarctic Convergence as part of a 1997 expedition, an island only visited a handful of times in human history. Other locations include the Falkland Islands, South Georgia Island and the South Sandwich Islands first discovered by Captain James Cook.

(ii) James Rutherford - Director and VP of Project Development

Mr. James Rutherford is CEO for NRP Organics and is responsible for running all facets of the business. James has a proven executive management track record and over 20 years of experience driving sales growth in the agriculture and technology industry. In addition to founding NRP Organics, James is the founder and CEO of “O Legado (1011849 BC Ltd.)” the focus of which is Humic and Fulvic based products for human consumption. Prior to founding O Legado and NRP Organics James served as a private consultant working with clients in the Health Canada MMAR, MMAP and LP programs, where he completed several multi-million dollar projects.

James also served with AT&T Canada as a corporate executive account manager where he achieved the position of top hardware sales person corporately. Having negotiated contracts with several Fortune 50 companies; James successfully closed many agreements, with the single largest contract exceeding 14 million dollars. Further, he is actively involved with HomeLife/Canuck Place and has helped raise over $575,000 for children in BC, over the past 16 years. James has attended Simon Fraser University(SFU) and The University of the Fraser Valley (UFV) where he studied business and sciences, and graduated from the University of British Columbia (UBC) Sauder School of Business.

(iii) Mike Jennings

Mike is the head grower for the Big Flower Grow Company, based in the State of California. Michael is also the co-founder of Loud Seeds, a multiple High Times Cannabis Cup winner, cannabis breeding and cultivation company. He has been involved in cannabis cultivation, breeding and marketing for more than 15 years and has established many brands in both the United States and Europe. The development of these brands and their position in the industry has enabled Mike to develop close business relationships with the leading cannabis seed breeders, distributors and collectors providing unparalleled access to cannabis genetics. His company, Loud Seeds, has been named one of the top 40 seed banks of all time by High Times Magazine and has been inducted into the Seed Bank Hall of Fame. Loud Seeds has also appeared in multiple articles and features in High Times Magazine including The Million Dollar Grow Room, Americas Next Pot Kings and Top Ten Strains of the Year. Finally, Mike has owned and operated several licensed dispensaries in California providing an in depth insight into the legal compliance, marketing and distribution of medical cannabis in the largest market in the United States.

Many other names but you can read in depth in the source link:


What is beyond 2.20$?

Here is the cherry on the cake. I have mentioned the 5 known catalysts above but the spec these are 5 of rumored 8 deals to follow so 2.20 may well be only a pit stop and not the final destination :)

There is nothing more to say. I could have done a crude "pump" as is prevalent across a lot of boards and the best way to put it (again) is that as of right now there is no better ground floor opportunity in the Cannabis industry with as much upside as GOR>TABU. 

Proactive > Reactive; Choice is yours!....