There’s nothing we like seeing more than gold responding to present conditions with this breakout!

Our team literally was looking through media engagement a couple of days ago, and the fact that everyone was selling gold to buy Bitcoin – while investors were burying gold – gave us the conviction that the bottom is near!

Not even 3 hours later did gold start to bid!

Next week is set to become one of the most important trading spans for junior miners since 2016!

As we write this, gold is bidding, even though interest rates are rising. There are many rumors circulating regarding China's annoyance with dependency on the dollar.

It's been rumored that because President Trump was so aggressive with them, they literally felt threatened and stopped openly and deliberately undermining the dollar. Give credit to Trump for that!

From what is discussed today, they don't feel threatened by or fear Biden's administration and are openly challenging American currency dominance!

Gold is absolutely going to benefit from public currency wars, especially if China keeps buying more of it.

To our knowledge, there are literally thousands of gold companies trading on the various stock markets.