I own Cxv (and phm) but not lnd.  In a nutshell:

1.  cxv has no broken promises i.e. tsx listing, share buyback, etc.
2..cxv has had no negative news i.e. Ventilator
3.  cxv would not be affected by either a Democratic or republican government as it's  dependant on the Parity Act (bipartisan support) and not Obamacare
4.  cxv is profitable already but with lesser revs. The revs, however increase with the number of pods (by 20-30% per pod =huge margins)  There are 2 pods projected over the next 3 months and 2-3 before end of 2016 for a total of 7-8 pods with 10-15 million per pod (70 million -120 million exit rate 2016)
5. They are growing organically and building pod structures with very little cost. Phm is no longer in the acquisition game in a big way and needs to prove that they can grow organically 25% as "promised"  (again...)
6.  They have .12 in cash per share and assets (they just bought the lease out on 2 locations and purchased  for 3 million) so intrinsic value of assets at last check of  7 million + 3 million=10 million .  They are trading at book
7.  Insiders are buying (1.2 million shares in the last 2 weeks)
8. Management is stellar and have been rewarded with options at a strike price of .55 (or they are valueless) Can you say incentive???
9. Companies in this space trade at  3x revs as a historically pegged amount (so 32 million x 3=96m divided by 220million= .43 ish  cents per share)
10.  Although the Detox center made 832k they expected more and feel they were misled.  As a result they are hoping to get some or all of the 12 million shares back for this center.  Each share is at .50 for 6 million 

So even though I hold phm , at the moment cxv looks like the safer bet (although it takes time to open each pod and PHM can turn it around)