Mongolians dependence on OT
I have heard it stated from a trusted source that Mongolia would go bankrupt if not for Oyu Tolgio. Unfortuately for the Mongolian people this years terrible Dzud just put more dependence upon RIO and the OT resource. Now with regards to the arbitration. It is binding arbitration. However, it would not surprise me that if, RIO did not find the ruling to their satisfaction to look for a back door to appeal the decision. It has dragged on this long, how much further can they kick the can down the road. One would think logically with copper showing signs of longer term upward trend that it would be prudent to strike a deal before the price appreciates much more. But I have given up long ago trying to predict what RIO will do or what they may have up their sleeve.. Mean while we hurry up and wait. Not sure how many years I left so preferably sooner than later. :+)
Just my 2 cents...