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Goodbody Health Ltd GDBYF

Goodbody Health Ltd is a wellness company operating in both COVID testing in the United Kingdom and as a vertically integrated cannabinoid CBD company that operates in the United Kingdom and the European Union. It has interests in COVID testing clinics, CBD extraction, wholesale bulk isolate, and distillate sales, retail CBD and white label sales, cannabinoid laboratory testing, and medicinal cannabis research programs.

GREY:GDBYF - Post by User

Comment by madhunkyon Mar 11, 2020 4:48pm
Post# 30795539

RE:RE:RE:RE:Any current news?

RE:RE:RE:RE:Any current news?Sorry Uknowit. I've been thinking since my last post and I realize it was out of line for me to ask you about your thoughts on buying more stock. I know you would be reluctant to advise anyone on that score as I would be myself. Everyone has to make their own decisions, so I guess it's up to me. Hope you'r not in an area that's too badly impacted by the virus. Cheers.  
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