Un other competitor: Mines: the Society of potashMinesBulletin
Wednesday, May 22, 2013at10:30:00
Mines: theSociety ofpotashminesandgeta business license
An agreement onminingoperationsworkwassigned on 22May inBrazzavillebetween theminister,PierreOba,and the Director Generalof the League ofpotashand mining(SPM), Edward HammondRiversMarlow
"It remains todeliverthe material on thesite,after whichwe will carry outpreliminary work.These willbe toopen up avenuesand installthe database beforethe official launchof drilling. After that,I will seekthe expertise of consultantsto help usmakethe recognitionof the entire area, "said theCEO ofSPM, indicating that the companywas already inthe process of analyzingthedata that would allowthe implementationthe project.
The Minister of Minesand Geology, for his part,saidthat before grantingthe permit, investigations were conductedto determine thefinancial and technical capacityof the company."Sincewealready know, through this signatureis a symbolicgesture, we give you the right tocontinue thework,"he said.
The work will takethree years toan estimatednearly1,558billion FCFAoverall cost.The catchment area forthis research is thedistrictMadingou-Kayes inKouilou. TheSPMwill undertakeinthe coming months, seismic and environmental studies.
Regardingsocial policy,SPMplans to buildschools and clinicsand create jobsfor young people,including indigenouspeoples.
SPMworked withZimbabwe, Tanzania, Ethiopia and the Democratic Republic ofCongoin thisfield.Congolese company, is affiliated withAfricanPotash, the parent company.