rad10 wrote:
Oilspecs wrote:

Yes, it should be good.  They bumped it up a week.  Original date was the 18th.  I do not see the price closing below .52 LTTL.  Looking for a higher high/low to open a large position here.  


Dude you already got yourself a large position............... and your cost basis is a heck of a lot higher than 51 cents...............

You sir are the mother of all bagholders.................

Please say hello to Mrs Oilspecs...............  a special lady.

I do not expect it to close below .52.  The rest of the sector got smashed.  You did see how .52 was holding for so long?  This is not the same as you washing men's bottoms at old age homes.  Mine was a prediction, your a nus washing job is a reality.  We could all have bought Brookfield at $30+ and sold now like you holding a mall reit through a pandemic.  They just handed the keys back on 4 of them?  Good call Raddyboy!  This is the reason you are working the night shift cleaning butts, and I am trading the London session.  Keep cleaning good sir.  Great work you are doing.  

