Good to hear from Dhaliwal, especially as he remains focussed on dried flower and maintaining quality while adding variety.....maybe more important he is not making any excuses for the drop in sales for last quarter, he just doesn't get into detail and I believe it is by design to get further along in packaging, get past warrents on Dec 13th and hopefully get a decent supply on the shelf for the holiday season as it will be big for sales across the country.

It appears they are open minded to the other areas of the market and we will see the Pax, pre-rolls, etc....while not forgeting that the herb is what got them to the dance and it is what will keep them on the top shelf as they add strains with quality product being job 1. It sounds like Medigrow is taking a bit longer than hoped but will be well worth the investment.

There appears to be no panic or worry of where everything stands today from Dhaliwal and BMO backs that up in spades and appears the market agrees, with SP flat on paltry volume there is no sell off here. I didn't see any downside here rather a positive and aware Dhaliwal....the cokk of the walk already and we are just FIRE'n up, JMHO...Opt

maritimedreamer wrote:Nav did quite well in this interview..... he had more energy, he did not avoid the tough questions and provided a strong case for supreme’s future. I specifically liked how he mentioned the 40% decline in revs....I like he didn’t make too many excuses besides more retail required. I like how he dove little more into the 90 mil loan..... I still don’t think people realize how big this is.... I don’t know of anyone else in market that got a loan of this size (mb ogi?) without dilution.....supreme is becoming so much more then 7acres..... i’m Interested about the small batch offerings Nav mentioned and the other extract offerings. Even Lesotho was real news other then things keep progressing and going through lengthy GMP certification..... all interesting stuff tbh......