..was an interesting day.. perhaps a good day to recognise why a few wise old gold bugs who have seen it all before tell us "If you try to trade a gold bull the chances are you will end up dazed and confused.. and miss out on the opportunity of a lifetime..
The day started with news that the expected Indian reduction in gold import tax did not happen.. this was expected to boost gold prices so one may have assumed gold would respond by going down.. but no gold blasted through resistance levels that the TA guys were all saying were critical.. and then gold shares followed suit only to get taken down at the end of the day.. this happened across the board to gold (and silver) stocks yesterday while the metals held their gains.. 
Others will of course tell us that the days of "buy and hold" are over and the only way to make money in the markets is by trading..
I agree with both these apparent opposites.. I think there are times, like during the last 3 years, when you have to trade to survive and times, like what I expect the next three years to be, when buy and hold will probably be the best strategy.. or at least holding a core if you insist on trading..
One thing is for sure.. however you try to play it.. days like yesterday will happen a lot and they will get very crazy with huge unexpected swings.. sitting on your hands when all that is going on will likely be the hardest thing to do but will reap life-changing rewards down the road..
Good luck chaps.. I think we will need it!