Taking back a country and individual sovereignty Many think it to late, no such thing. When the "government " became a corporation by adopting sea law they by the process committed treason against the dejure and the people. They became pirates at sea as a result. The chain of command or directive and brought all lower levels into criminal conspiracy with said pirates. They captured administrative title of the country. That captured by pirates or robbers does not change ownership. They also lost any pretence of right to make law. Fictions arise from law not law from fictions. They put " legal" pressure of threat against lower levels for not following orders. The law stands superior to legal and to be in conspiracy with is of law and has capital punishment as a consequence of treason or piracy. This can apply to anyone that accepts directive from such including police, military, the courts etc.Also note they are then fencing in stolen property. Any other country IE China that thinks they have purchased mineral rights, property rights or any kind of jurisdictional rights has been fooled. Caviot emptor, China etc, you have nothing as you have been buying stolen property from pirates. Just like if you had a stolen vehicle (property) and I bought that stolen vehicle, did you own it? No, did I own it because I bought it? No. Who retains ownership? The individual it was stolen from. That captured by pirates and robbers does not change ownership. Or as Chris(A warrior calls) would say "who administers property without right? No one does. While we have that out there, a gun is your property, who administers it without right? No one, pound salt Turdeau. This is a big topic for a post but I think I touched on and amount of the intended. Note also that "piercing the corporate veil" also is disclosing of the superior jurisdiction and primacy.Before anyone gets poked with a sharp stick don't forget there are repairations, to be made to the true owners, the people, these can be retroactive to the commiting of the fraud and crime.Get off our land, Vatican, city of London, District of Columbia, WEF,Turdeau, the monarcy etc and take all the unsavoury characters you let in with you.