Still Optomistic After All These Years I've bought a few more shares here and there over the past several weeks - putting my money where my mouth is. My general sense of faith in this company remains unshaken. The net-net is that the science seems to be still very strong & impressive after all these years. Actually, my confidence in that has only increased over time.
Let's hope they have their business development/sales act in order. Let's also hope that they are right in saying that ASSURE is on-track as of the latest schedule. Finally, let's also hope that SUSTAIN shows the kind of results that we expect (consistent (or increasingly better over time) bio marker readings, a downward trend to longer-term liver ALTs, etc.).
As always, there are plenty of potential "gotchas" with this stock - it's a high-risk investment for sure. But the potential for a deal is always ever-present. I think it is becomming a higher chance likelihood with each passing month.
There are those who think we will have to wait a long time for that potential deal. I'm not so sure. As I have written, the concept of freedom of contract in the law is an amazing thing: Contracts can be drafted to cover just about any potential concern or contingency. Thus, someone might come along who wants to take this deal off the table before their competitors do.
I think it's becomming much more "ripe" in that sense. The need for a next-generation cardio protective drug is greater now than ever. The potential competitors to RVX-208 are rapidly becomming less of a threat. People in Western Countries are still eating a whole lot of Big Macs, french fries, and ice cream. Can you imagine how crazy people might go over this particular drug if it works as it is believed to work? It has the potential of becomming something that hits popular culture and everyday conversation. It really does have that potential....
When and if a deal happens, I think we won't get a lot of warning signals beforehand. Time to be prepared for that particular contingency.