Look at the work from "The Posse"

Rube, you in the  "loop"
What about RagingBail or Rongo as he's otherwise known

I think your little group is playing in an area you shouldn't.

You should press harder FarmaZutical....I could look like quite a hero for EXPOSING a MAJOR SCAM you boys are running on the bullboards. 

Another court case to discuss on the BNC bullboard, you remember the first one. 

I know even the folks at Peel Region have guys that are pretty good with PC's.  Wouldn't it be funny if one of them was watching the entire game?

Some people might even have trouble making their car or mortgage payments as a result of the POSSE's handy work.  I loved the screen images of the buys in the $1.40 range, a favourite time.  I miss you Rube on the Medwell and Spectral bullboards.....you bail?

I clearly remember HT's cancer story and all the interesting details associated with his creation.

I'm not one to believe a bunch of small-time con artists based a constant "flow of BS"

I love the paranoid behavior shown by MartymusZone, changing handles and erasing posting history.  At least he is smart enough to know he is playing in a dangerous sandbox